Around the College
COVID-19 update
The latest COVID announcements include some changes to restrictions in schools for Term 2. The main implication for Cornerstone is that parents and visitors are now able to attend events at school, provided they are wearing a mask and maintain social distancing. Unfortunately, parents are still not able to come into classrooms.
The recording of positive cases is still the responsibility of the school, so please provide any information about close contacts or positive tests for your children.
Winter uniform
Parents are reminded that students in Years 3 to 12 start next term in winter uniform. Please contact Administration if you require a uniform fitting for your child so we can manage COVID restrictions in making arrangements with you.
Long black pants were introduced for Secondary girls last winter and they have been included in the Primary winter uniform this year as an alternative to the pinafore. Please contact Administration if you have any questions about this item.
2022 Term dates
Our term dates for this year have been published in this newsletter under the previous tab. Please make note that the mid year break will be three weeks this year.
Term 2 will start on Tuesday 26 April, straight after the ANZAC Day holiday.
Employment opportunities
There are positions available at the College advertised on our website. Please see the employment tab of our website for more information at