Welcome Back Prep

Welcome back to our wonderful Monash Preppies!


We have already had a great start to term 2. Everyone has settled nicely back into the school routine and have been enjoying being back with their classmates and teachers. 


This term, we will continue to practise our independence within the classroom by following our structured teaching and STAR programs. Our theme for this term is ‘Cultural Diversity’ and we look forward to celebrating ‘Mabo Day’ on the 3rd June. This will be a fantastic way to recognise our countries history and First Nations peoples.


‘Wellbeing Wednesdays’ will continue this term focusing on encouraging students to participate in different activities and programs that support their overall wellbeing. 


Congratulations again to all our Preppies and their families on making it through their first term of schooling and we cannot wait to see all their progress over the year!