Principal's Report

“Tell me and I forget….Teach me and I remember….. Involve me and I learn” – Benjamin Franklin 


It has been a smooth start to term 2 for our students as they seamlessly settle back into school life and term 2. As I walked around classrooms on the first day back it was a joy to see such happy faces as they quickly readjusted to their school routines and structured activities.


Leadership Badge ceremony

It was with the greatest pleasure that I was able to present the leadership badges to our Student Representative council and School Captains today. Although they have been busy over last term and this term, this was a chance to formally acknowledge their role this year. They were all wearing them with pride afterwards as well as a special ceremonial gift from our school captain's mum! We also welcomed the families of the SRC to be a part of this important event and enjoyed some morning tea with them afterwards. 


Capital Works

As you will all have seen we have a very large muddy space where our new building will be. Sandra and I meet with the architects and builders every 2 weeks and get the chance to walk around the site to see the progress and to discuss next steps. I even got to sit in one of the machines on our first visit which was exciting. It’s amazing to see just how big a space it is and exciting to imagine what will be there.


Staffing Update

We continue to work hard with our recruitment drive but do have to acknowledge the state-wide shortage of teaching and ES staff and the continued shortage of education staff across Victoria and Australia that is out of our control. This only means that we continue with our efforts and we still remain confident we will find the best teachers and ES for our school. 


We are saying goodbye to James Mooney, a classroom teacher in Secondary school who has taken up a position in a mainstream Secondary school.


School drop off and pick up safety

Although pick up and drop off routines are going well we have noticed that some children are running from the car, across the driveway to the school. Please make sure you hold all children's hands when crossing over the driveway at all times.


Lastly I would like to wish all the amazing mums in our school community a wonderful Mother’s Day this Sunday!


As always please reach out with any questions or concerns. 


Stay Safe
