Student Support

Positive Parenting

Every child needs at least one significant supportive adult in their life. You, as their parent or carer invariably fill this role. It is a big responsibility that often weighs heavily but at the same time can be so wonderful. 


However, remember ‘it takes a village to raise a child’. You don’t have to do it alone. Reach out to family members, friends, our school community and of course, health professionals. Included in this last group is our reputable schooltv site. The information provided is well researched with highly regarded specialists commenting on relevant and topical issues. We will be highlighting some of the articles that may be of interest to you.


In the schooltv Positive Parenting Series you’ll find articles that are reassuring and full of realistic, practical strategies to guide you through challenging times. 

Topics such as Resilience, Blended Families and Positive Parenting are discussed with leading specialists. Just a few of the questions dealt with, are:

  • What are the common mistakes parents make with young children?
  • Can parents help their children build resilience?
  • Should parents be saying “no” more often?
  • Is it possible to bully-proof children?

Please take the time to browse through the schooltv site. There will be something that resonates for you and hopefully guide you in your parenting decisions.