Religious Education & Pastoral Care 

Religious Education and Pastoral Care Coordinator - Mrs Bearman



Holy God, through Mary you show your people that you do wonderful things through ordinary human beings. With trusting hearts we call you in our need.

As Jesus’ mother, Mary showed us the extent of human love, motherly nurturing and selfless service. May all people learn to embrace one another in love, compassion and service.    Amen.


First Reconciliation

Last Tuesday our children received the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time. The liturgy was led by our lovely priest Fr Anthony Koppman. The children  were well prepared and showed reverence throughout this liturgy. Many thanks to Mrs Libby Lockwood  for  preparing and supporting these children throughout this sacrament.

First Eucharist

Last Monday we held a meeting for all the parents of children who a preparing to make their First Eucharist. During the meeting we went through the Eucharist program that is being taught in class. We also discussed important information required to make this a special occasion for all.  Thank you to all the parents  that attended this meeting.

Please keep these children in your prayers as they prepare for this special Sacrament.

If you have any questions regarding any of the sacramental program please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Bearman (REC).

Important Dates:

- Sunday 30th August 9.00am Mass - Sacrament of Eucharist (First Holy Communion) at St Patrick's church (This will be at the end of Week 6).

Around the Classrooms

Kindergarten's Abraham artwork.
Kindergarten's Abraham artwork.

The children in Kindergarten have been learning about the story of Sarah and Abraham. This artwork shows Abraham surrounded by stars which represents his children (words from kindergarten children). Kindergarten were very excited to explain what had happened in the story.