The Joy of Reading

by Mrs Stonehouse-Melke, Assistant Principal

How often do you as parents have the time to sit and read a novel that you have been so intrigued to read? How often have you had the chance to sit and read regularly with your child? Many of the lovely stories that I hear from colleagues, parents, students and friends is that lock down is now giving people a greater opportunity to share and participate in the joy of reading. 


There are so many different ways that we can share the joy of reading with our children. Reading together the quiz questions in the local newspaper; reading and laughing at the newspapers daily comic strips; reading a really interesting post on an Instagram account that you follow; re reading Harry Potter or the Hobbit and making up silly voices for all the characters with your children; reading an absolutely magical picture story book and finding it has been uploaded onto Youtube with a magnificent instrumental score to listen to.


I love reading newly published stories; I adore reading newly published stories which move me on an emotional level. That is truly a sign to me of a talented author. This week I was privileged to read a magnificent new picture story by Patrick Guest and Jonathon Bentley called “Windows”. 


You can find this uplifting story at:


Thankyou to Mrs Robinson our school librarian for pointing this book in my direction. I suggest you enjoy watching the story and have a tissue handy as you do.


I would love to know what other magnificent stories you have discovered. Send me an email to let me know what you would recommend I could read to our students. I will look forward to it (


Once you have read "Windows" head over to page 3 of The Rocket Newsletter to listen to Mrs Searle reading her favourite story book - "The Little Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry, and The Big Hungry Bear".