Student of the Week 

Term 3 Week 2

Congratulations to the following students who have received a 'Student of the Week' award. 


StudentRoomAwarded for
 NataliaFB8Showing enthusiasm and persistence when completing her classwork at school. Well done, Natalia.
 WilliamFL10Consistently completing his portfolio tasks to a very high standard and showing continued enthusiasm for his learning.
 Chelsea1W6For showing great enthusiasm and effort in her remote learning and in Guided Reading.
 Liam1VT7Completing excellent work while online leaning, especially some awesome reading.
 Haleema2M12Taking pride in the presentation of all her work and trying her best to complete all set tasks. Keep up the great work, Haleema!
 Stephanie3/4W13Working consistently on all online learning tasks to the best of her ability.
Mia3/4P14Her hard work in submitting all learning tasks on time and to a high standard.
 Lucas3/4F16Independently completing and submitting all online learning tasks in time and to a high standard.
 Cherhon5M18Sharing great ideas during Guided Reading. Well done!
 Ryan5R20Using his resilience when learning new strategies in Mathematics.
 Tehora6G2Amazing engagement online this week. Great focus and persistence. Keep up the god work!
 Lebas6K4Asking very in depth questions while he is learning from home. Very proud - Keep it up!
Francis6K4Producing amazing work while he is learning from home. Very proud - Keep it up!