Health Centre News & Lost Property


You must keep your student at home if they are sick, even if you think it is just a cold.  If they present to the Health Centre during the day with any cold like symptoms, they will be sent home with the advice of getting them tested for Covid-19. Keep them home until results are back and symptoms have cleared. 

Treat minor cold and/or flu symptoms just as you usually would, however STAY AT HOME and USE THE PHONE i.e. call your GP. This way you can get the most appropriate and current advice.


Teach your children about keeping their hands below their shoulders, so they avoid touching their face, particularly their mouth, eyes and nose, as these are easy entry points for germs.  Encourage regular hand washing with soap and water or use a hand sanitiser.  Practice safe hygiene when coughing or sneezing, using the inside of their elbow as a ‘shield’, discard any used tissues.

Remind your children that, just for now, no shaking hands, hugs, fist bumps, kisses or high 5’s from friends, the elbow bump is the way to go!

Immunisation dates

The dates for immunisations this year are:


Year 7 Round two- 26 October 2020

Year 10 - 26 October 2020

Lost Property and naming school clothes

Please ensure that you have all your children’s articles of clothing named in a legible manner. This includes lunch boxes, drink bottles and pencil cases. Over the course of each term the lost property bin overflows with articles of clothing that we are unable to return to the owner as they have no name on them.


Rose Howarth & Kerrie Childs

Health Centre