An update from Wellsprings for Women

The new year started extremely well, following a number of positive changes implemented in 2019 to improve educational programs at Wellsprings. New and existing participants flocked to the Centre beaming with enthusiasm and energy, looking forward to improving their English literacy and numeracy skills, glad to reunite with old friends and welcomed new ones. The new and refurbished creativity room looked stunning and the women and tutors in the sewing classes were overjoyed to have this new space that made their sewing activities and interactions so much more enjoyable.
Then COVID19 struck as we neared the end of term 1. It was a pivotal moment requiring swift action in deciding what to do and how to adapt to maintain connections and engagement with our participants, knowing the difficulties and hardships many of them already struggle with without the added complications of a lockdown.
We reached out to our Kildare Ministries schools and sought donations of laptops to supply to our participants realising the necessity of connecting remotely to deliver our existing programs.
The majority of our participants do not have access to a computer or internet. With donated laptops and later through grants from philanthropy and local government, we managed to supply over 75 women with equipment, internet access and IT support. The challenge continued as we needed to provide a lot more training for the women to confidently use technology and connect with tutors via Zoom. Staff, tutors and volunteers contacted participants on daily basis to check on their health and welfare, provide them with up to date information on restrictions, refer them to services and where to get tested if they have any symptoms. During April and May, we diverted our efforts in working with Dandenong Council on emergency relief and supplying over 60 families with weekly food parcels. Throughout term 2, we continued our efforts in delivering courses and supporting women using all means of communication such as: WhatsApp groups, phone calls, ZOOM, and few face to face interactions.
Our Women’s Support Team were receiving 2 to 3 referrals a week from other agencies of women impacted by mental health, isolation, and family violence. The support provided could not be solely done over the phone but required face to face interaction with the women who needed help in attending court cases associated with their intervention orders. Keeping our staff and volunteers safe while also assisting our most vulnerable clients continues to be a juggle we face on daily basis.
We recently held consultations with our participants and volunteers on the impact of COVID19 on their lives, and it was quite sobering to hear women express their anxieties over job losses, housing insecurities, increased tensions in the home, struggles with children and home schooling, worsened financial hardship, and the sheer devastation of some women who have lost loved ones and have not been able to grieve or engage in the associated rituals that would under normal circumstances help them to cope. The loss of social connections that provide comfort and solace especially among migrant and refugee communities is taking its toll. Minimising the impact of isolation on the health and wellbeing of our participants will continue to be a major focus for Wellsprings in the months to come as Victoria continues to battle the spread of COVID19.
We draw from our history and the legacy of Nano Nagle who despite the life threatening penalties she faced along with her several female companions, they were determined to reach out to the poor in Ireland, County Cork and provide them access to education as an essential human right.
This connection to our roots inspired the mural completed recently at Wellsprings along the front brick fence which featured Nano’s lantern and images illustrating the contemporary role of Wellsprings in providing women with opportunities to live their lives unhindered by poverty, injustices and inequalities. You can view the mural at the following link:
Dalal Smiley
Wellsprings for Women