College News

School Council Elections nominations open 13/3/23 – 27/3/23
Hi all it’s that time of the year again. We are looking for three parent representatives to join our council for 2023-2024, one staff representative and two student representatives. Contact the school if you would like more information or the nomination form. Positions are open for nominations from last Monday 14th till Monday the 27th of March. School council is completely student focussed, so jump onboard and make a difference!!
International Women’s Day Assembly
Chloe, Adelle, Bridie and Maizy were amazing in addressing the assembly on International Women’s Day. They each had segments to read to the full assembly that had parents, all students and staff listening to their presentations. A big thank you to our guest speaker (and parent), Danielle Grindlay who touched on many changes that happened in our society relating to equality between genders.
We have come a long way in the last 120 years and need to continue to evolve. Crazy to think women were only allowed to vote for the 1st time in Australia in 1902 and even crazier to think that Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islanders were only allowed to vote from 1962 following the amendment of the Commonwealth Electoral Act! Respect of ourselves and others is the key to keep society moving in the direction needed.
Thanks Mr Kilby and student leaders for your input for the assembly!
Advance Students help at Edenhope Races
Part of our Year 9/10 Advance philosophy is to volunteer and help in the community. Last week saw the Advance group head out to the race club to help with setting up the Edenhope Races. They put in a mighty effort and cleaned all the chairs, moved them to all marquees and moved and cleaned other furniture needed for the races. Thanks to the race club for providing a sausage sizzle and fruit boxes for students. The race club were rapt with the effort the students put in and were very thankful. The students will be happy to line up again for the Apsley races, if needed.
Foundation/Year 7 Transition BBQ
March the 1st saw a majority of our Foundation and Year 7 families attend our 2023 Transition BBQ at Henley Park. We will keep this as a regular fixture at the start of all future years for staff and families to meet and have an informal chat over a meal. Two-way communication between staff and parents to support students in their schooling, is the goal of this function. Thanks to staff and families for making the evening a success.
Curriculum Focus
2022 saw staff have a lot of input to our school Instructional Model which is a frame work for how curriculum is planned and the strategies of how it is delivered to all students at the college. Many parts of meetings were spent with staff collaborating and putting our instructional model together. If you walked into classrooms you would see the model that staff are basing their curriculum delivery from:
The model is set up similar to a clock face, with each part of a standard lesson allocated time for how content is delivered to the students. The instructional model also prompts staff when they are planning lessons to allocate time to the various area over the 50 minute lessons. It creates a consistent learning environment for students and they know what to expect at certain times throughout a lesson.
We are still on the journey of embedding this within our planning practice across all areas of our curriculum, but I wanted to let you know what our staff have come up with to help improve student outcomes.
Trevor McClure