Wow! It's the end of Term 2 and it has come around so fast. We have been busy doing Easter craft and winding down for the Term. 

We wish all of our families a lovely Easter and a refreshing break!


For our parents and guardians, we have been sending out re-enrolment forms via email to those families who have not completed a re-enrolment for 2023.

Please ensure your forms are completed asap. 


We also need those families who have children with medical conditions and action plans to please ensure that you provide us with up to date plans as well as in date medication.


Thank you and Happy Easter!


Judy, Georgia & OSHC Team  

0419 511 018


School Holiday Care

TeamKids have another amazing Autumn Holiday program planned!
-        Learn new skills and make new friends
-        Qualified and REMARKABLE Educators
-        Digital detox with our no screens policy
-        Delicious and nutritious morning and afternoon snacks
-        CCS-approved care
Head to teamkids.com.au to secure your spot!