College News

Principal's Update

Welcome to the latest edition of King's News. Watch the video below to hear an update from our Principal.

Strategy 2030

At the end of last year, I outlined our plans to develop the next strategic plan for the College. Strategy 2030 sets the overall direction for King’s College for the seven-year period from 2023 to 2030. It also outlines our key values, which are at the heart of how the College operates. This strategy is about teaching and learning from a Christian perspective and is closely aligned with the College’s Vision, Mission and Purpose Statements. 


The document, available on the College website, explains our core values, College philosophy, objectives and our teaching and learning framework. It also outlines our strategic goals in more detail.


Our strategic goals are:

  1. We provide innovative high-quality teaching
  2. We value strong partnerships
  3. We are a flourishing College
  4. We are growing in capacity and capability
  5. We live faith in action

We look forward to implementing these plans and welcome your feedback as part of the process.


Allister Rouse
