School Update

Last day of Term 1 - Thursday 6th April
Don't forget dismissal time is 2.30pm.
Have a great Easter break and we'll see you back at school on Monday 24th April before having Tuesday 25th off for Anzac Day, and commencing again on Wednesday 26th April.
Easter Bonnet Parade - Thursday 6th April
This will be held on the last day of term 1, Thursday, 6th April, commencing at 9:30 am for our Prep-Year 2 students. The parade will be held in the gym and will finish at approximately 10.30am. Parents and family members are welcome to attend and watch the fun. Bonnets should be made at home and made by students as much as possible.
Free Dress Day - Friday 31st March
See P&F section for details.
Prime drinks
Unfortunately, we have seen this product creep into school right through from year 2 to Year 6. Please note that it comes with a health warning as per the photo above. Students are not to consume this drink during school hours. We appreciate your support in this health related matter, thank you.
Anzac Badges on sale each recess
Our PALs will be selling Anzac badges from tomorrow until the end of term. Sales will take place outside the Year 6 classrooms at the boat playground. Please bring cash for badges worth $2 to $5.
Catch up opportunity for individual and sibling school photos
For students absent on photo day there is a catch up day at the MSP office on Thursday 20th April. Individual and sibling photos can be done at that time. Contact MSP on 03 9466 7331 to make a booking.
Prep Enrolments for 2024 and School Tours
We will be accepting enrolments as of term 2. School Tours have commenced, and bookings can be made via the enrolment page of our school website - Families enrolling siblings can collect an enrolment form from the office or download one from our website from Term 2. Please submit an enrolment application for Prep 2024 by Friday 28 July 2023 and you will be notified of the outcome of your application by Friday 11 August 2023.
NAPLAN completed
NAPLAN was completed over the last fortnight for Years 3 and 5 students. Results take some time and will be provided to families in August.