From the Principal

Week 9
Dear Monty South Community,
Congratulations to the P&F for organising such an incredible community event! The Fete was a resounding success with a high level of engagement not only from our school community but also our external community.
A big thank you to Bianca and Renee who were the main coordinators but also to the over 150 volunteers on the day. Without our volunteers we certainly could not have gone ahead with it. Well done as well to all our staff who volunteered their time over the day. The Dank Tank was again a draw for the students to ‘get’ the staff! It was all in good humour and a very successful fund raiser.
I would like to particularly thank Nartarsha Napanangka Bamblett for the beautiful and engaging welcome to country.
Congratulations to our new School Council members and thank you to all who nominated for positions. We held our first meeting earlier this week and successfully filled all office bearer positions. Please find our new membership list here.
I was very lucky on the 15 March to be able to attend the Year 6 Camp for the day. The Sovereign Hill camp is an educational and engaging school camp which takes students back to how schooling used to be and what the goldrush era was all about. I love going on camp with students as we all get to know each other in a different environment. The students were beautifully behaved on the day with many comments made to me and staff on how well students were behaving and engaging in the activities. Part of the day also included discovering all that Sovereign Hill has to offer. Students particularly enjoyed the lolly shop, the bakery and the old style café.
A huge thank you to all the staff who attended the camp and a special mention to Trish and Bec for all the planning that was done. Going on camp is an exciting time for staff members as well but, it is also a 24-hour job while you are there.
As we come to the end of the term it is a good idea to remind you that we are currently open for enrolments for all years from Prep to Year 6. If you have neighbours with young children, please let them know that we are currently taking enrolments.
I can’t believe this term is almost over but thank you for your support over term 1. I hope to see many of you at our Easter Bonnet Parade, have a good break and a Happy Easter
Keyla Jeffers