Message from 

Nurse Janice

Welcome to the last week of Term 1. 


Immunisations occurred on Tuesday 28th March. A catchup immunisations session will be available with the School Doctor next term for students who were absent or who had not returned their consent forms.


Dental Van Visit

The Dental Van has been at Wedderburn College and many students have had appointments. 

The bus will be back at Wedderburn College the Friday after holidays and the service will be provided for as many days required to see all the students who have returned consent forms. 

A big thank you to the Team from Martin Vale Dentistry.


Doctors in Schools

Dr Jo and Nurse Michelle have continued to provide appointments for Wedderburn College Students every Tuesday. Tomorrow there will not be a clinic so the next clinic will be on Tuesday 2nd May in Term 2.  

We are very pleased to offer these free appointments to Primary school students (accompanied by their parents/carers) since last year. Please contact the Main office if you require an appointment for your students.



As previously mentioned in the Newsletter, Wedderburn College is concerned about students using vapes on school premises or on their way to and from school. There has been a growing concern about the harmful effects vaping has on young people.

The take-up of vaping by young people is increasing. Research has found that 1 in 5 young people have vaped and nearly 80% of them say it is easy to get a vape illegally at a shop or online. 

There are many different styles of vapes and they can be difficult to spot. The biggest misunderstanding about vapes is that they are harmless compared to cigarettes. This is not true.  Vapes are not safe. 

Vaping facts 

  • Many vapes contain nicotine making them very addictive. 
  • Vapes contain many toxic chemicals, they just don’t put it on the pack.
  • Vapes can contain the same harmful chemicals found in cleaning products, nail polish remover, weed killer and bug spray. 
  • Vapes can leave young people at increased risk of depression and anxiety.
  • The nicotine in 1 vape can = 50 cigarettes. Depending on the size of vape and nicotine strength, it can be much higher!
  • Young people who vape are 3 times as likely to take up smoking cigarettes. 
  • Vape aerosol is not water vapour.
  • Vaping has been linked to serious lung disease.
  • Vapes cause long-lasting negative effects on brain development.

What is Wedderburn College doing? 

Smoking and vaping is banned within the grounds of, and within four metres of an entrance to, schools in Victoria. Our school smoking and Vaping policy has been updated. Education sessions for staff and students, and guest presenters are being organised so our students can make informed decisions about this dangerous habit. 



Janice Deocampo

School Nurse