Careers & Pathways

Meet & Connect - Tertiary Visits:
It was wonderful to see so many students and their families visit and engage in conversations with Tertiary representatives during the meet and connect last Thursday evening.
The Careers and Pathways (C&P) team continues to provide support for all our students and we strongly encourage students to access our tertiary resources which are located in the library outside C&P Office.
Year 10 Work Experience:
Just a reminder that our Work Experience week is fast approaching and will take place on Monday 19th of June until and including Friday 23rd of June! Work experience is an exciting opportunity for you to get practical experience in a work setting.
Don’t forget that all required forms and safe@work certificates need to be completed and returned to the C&P office by no later than Friday 12th of May, 2023.
Information about the Work Experience program, required paperwork, safe@work certificates and support in finding a placement can be found by accessing the following links via student google accounts.
Work experience presentation link -
Work Experience Google site link -
Victorian Careers Show - Year 12s:
Australia’s biggest education and career event is coming soon and we will be visiting this event on Friday 5th of May 2023.
Consent and payment for this excursion closed on Wednesday 15th of March. As this is a ticketed event, we are unable to accept any more forms. Information about Victoria Careers Show will be provided to attending students and parents in upcoming weeks.
All students who did not pay and consent for this event will be required to attend their scheduled timetabled classes.
Structured workplace Learning:
This is a reminder for our VCAL/VM/VPC students that you need to find a SWL placement. Start to make calls and visit potential employers to secure your placement.
Students can collect Structured Workplace Learning forms from Careers and Pathways Office. Once your Structured Workplace Learning forms are completed, these must be returned to the Careers office. For any assistance, come and speak with Gabby.
Looking for something to do these holiday? Thinking about your future? If so, check out the following events and follow the instructions to register!
Deakin Campus Tours 2023
There's only one way to choose a university - you've got to experience it yourself. Deakin Campus Tours will allow your students and their families to experience their preferred Deakin University campus through a tailored tour, during the April school holidays.
Guests will join a 1-hour tour led by our knowledgeable and friendly student ambassadors to get a first-hand look at our world-class facilities and have all their study questions answered.
Term 1 school holidays - April 2023
Melbourne Burwood Campus
Wednesday 12 and Thursday 20 April
General, Accommodation, Arts & Education, Business & Law, Health, and Science Engineering & Built Environment tours.
Geelong Waurn Ponds Campus
Thursday 13 and Wednesday 19 April
General, Accommodation, Arts & Education, Health, and Science Engineering & Built Environment tours.
Geelong Waterfront Campus
Tuesday 18 April
General & Accommodation tours
More information and registration:
ACU online talks
ACU is running the following online ‘Talk with Industry Series’ events in April:
18th of April: Talk with Teachers
19th of April: Talk with Lawyers & Criminologists
27th of April: Talk with Business & IT Professions
The sessions will be held between 6 – 7pm and are open to prospective students,
Monash University
Monash University will be hosting several Discover Monash events or activities over the coming weeks. Unless specified online**, these will be face-to-face events.
Participating in one or more of these events will assist students in making informed choices about their study options after Year 12.
Information Evening – Peninsula Campus | Tuesday 4 April, 6.30 - 8.00pm |
Clayton Campus Tour Experience | Wednesday 19 April, 10.00am |
Clayton Campus Tour Experience | Wednesday 19 April, 2.00pm |
Caulfield Campus Tour Experience | Thursday 20 April, 10.00am |
Discover Business | Thursday 20 April, 11.45am |
Peninsula Campus Tour Experience | Thursday 20 April, 2.00 |
Following events will take place in April and May and students are encouraged to register early. More information about following events and registration Discover Monash.