What's Happening

Chaplains Chat

Greetings White Gum Valley Primary School Community,


In this newsletter, I wish to talk about the topic of grief and loss. Grief and loss can impact individuals and families in many ways. I’d like to offer some support for families who have experienced the death of a loved one. Grief and loss are something that we all will encounter at some point throughout our human lifespan. How we deal with it can affect our behaviours, our bodies, choices, and relationships. Every person process grief differently compared to others and may go through the seven stages of grief; quicker, slower, or not experience some of the signs at all. That is why it is vital that we have some supports in place to assist us during these times, and to remember to practice healthy coping skills. This will aid in the grieving process and help us to find some form of healing. 

The seven stages of grief are: Shock, Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance, Hope, and finally Processing the Grief. (For more information visit: Healthline.com, Beyond Blue, Good Grief, and Kids Helpline). I have also come across this fantastic website called Feel the Magic. They are a children’s grief and loss charity who have free resources for families. They run grief and loss camps, programs, and support webinars for parents. (Visit: https://feelthemagic.org.au for more information). Finally, I have some grief and loss sheets attached to this newsletter for you and your child to utilise. 


Here’s to you all having a positive week from your Chappy!







Feeling Unwell?

This term we challenge you to crunch the rainbow for Crunch&Sip® by making a rainbow in your classroom. Eating different coloured fruits and vegetables provides lots of different vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals. Which is why crunching on a rainbow will help kids get the right balance of nutrients they need for a healthy body.