Physical Education News

A message from Ms Walker, our PE teacher

This term has been a hot one outside but I have been really enjoying being the PE teacher this year and getting to know all our wonderful students. We have been working on our fundamental movement skills -running, hopping, skipping, jumping, balancing, side-galloping, kicking, throwing and catching, during fitness circuits using lots of new equipment in our school.



Kindergarten has improved their balance technique. They are enjoying learning how to perform relays and learning some new games such as Freeze and Thaw.


Stage 1 is learning to perform the correct technique for a sprint run and apply fundamental movement skills in games and in isolation.


Stage 2 is practising their underarm and overarm throws and are now applying these skills to a game situation.


Stage 3 is working on improving their soccer skills through a modified sports program. We have spent some time soccer juggling and completing some drills to assist us with traps, passes and intercepts.



Mebby Walker

PE Teacher