Junior School

Grade 1 & 2

It’s been a busy two weeks in the Grade 1 and Grade 2 classroom, with students taking part in Buddy Sessions with the Grade 5 students and beginning their Gecko Sport Athletics sessions in PE. Alongside these exciting events, students continue to renew old friendships and make new ones. 


Buddy Program



As part of their mathematics unit on data representation and interpretation, the Grade 2 students created their own questions of interests, identified a series of categories to gather data on, and then surveyed Grade 5/6 A to find some answers! The excitement amongst the Grade 2 students was palpable as they got the opinions and preferences of their seniors! 




Inquiry Investigation

The most recent focus in term 1 inquiry investigation has been on 'Dreaming stories'. Students have been studying many different versions of the same stories from different Aboriginal communities, comparing them to find similarities and differences. After these in-depth discussion students have been creating gorgeous art pieces to reflect the Dreaming stories. Below are some 'Rainbow Serpents' and some birds who are finally getting their colours!