
Physical Education, Performing Arts, Visual Arts, STEAM, French

Physical Education

Students in grades 2-6 have had the opportunity to work with Jim from Athletics Victoria during PE sessions. They have had a lot of fun learning the fundamental skills of running, jumping and throwing.


Visual Arts

Visual Arts

The Prep class has been having a great time in the art room producing some very colourful and creative work.


They started the year listening to a book by Todd Parr a fantastic author and illustrator who writes books encouraging us to embrace as differences and accept ourselves and our friends just as they are. Parr has a very distinctive style and the preps all did a great job making faces inspired by his work.

Next the students were introduced to using a variety of media in a single art piece. The task was to represent their garden using oil crayons and watercolour paint. A photo of themselves was then glued on top.



The preps demonstrated push, pull, bounce, slide, roll, and spin movements with their bodies as we listened to music and took turns to spin our Chance Dance cubes. They then explored different objects that roll easily and not so easily.


The grade 1s and 2s explored objects that float and sink and why. They then had a design challenge to turn their ball of plasticine, which sank, into a floating item. Well done to the teams that won the challenge!


The grade 3s and 4s were challenged to make their paperclip float using a magnet. The grade 4s also engaged in an activity where they had to explain their reasoning based on some statements read out - there were lots of great ideas.


Grade 5/6S continued their exploration into light. They did an experiment with a glass of water and a torch, where the pencil disappeared! This prompted lots of excellent conversatio



  • Grades 3 and 4:

The students have completed their first topic (objects in the classroom) and were assessed last week. We are now focusing on a new list of vocabulary (what goes in a pencil case) and on the proper use of articles, depending on the gender of the noun.


The three French definite articles are:

  • le (= 'the' in front of a masculine noun). For example: le stylo (= the pen)
  • la (= 'the' in front of a feminine noun). For example: la trousse (= the pencil case)
  • les (= 'the' in front of a plural noun). For example: les crayons (= the pencils)

The three French indefinite articles are:

  • un(= 'a' in front of a masculine noun). For example: un stylo (= a pen)
  • une (= 'a' in front of a feminine noun). For example: une trousse (= a pencil case)
  • des (= 'some' in front of a plural noun). For example: des crayons (= some pencils)


  • Grades 5/6:

After learning body parts and being assessed last week, the students are now learning how to describe their faces. With this topic, they are revising an important grammar rule: the 'agreement' between an adjective and a noun. In French, an adjective has to end with letter 's' or letter 'x' if it describes a plural noun. It has to end with an 'e' if it describes a feminine noun.

For example, with adjective 'grand' (big):: 

  • le grand stylo (= the big pen)
  • la grande trousse (= the big pencil case)
  • les grands crayons (= the big pencils)



  • Grades 1 and 2:

The students are using the puppets to ask questions or practice short conversations:

In Grade 1, they played a memory game to continue practicing the spelling of numbers 1 to 10.