Star Student of the Week


Junior Years


Mr Enright:

Reuben Thomas for always starting his day with positivity!


Miss Turk:

Mason Collie for always being so kind to everyone in our class. 

It is wonderful to have you in our class, Mason! 


Mrs Weber:

Lucy D’Alessandro for being a kind and considerate friend to many. 

Fantastic work Lucy!


Mr Morrison:

Yuvraj Sur for working really hard during finger gym and completing great work.

Keep it up Yuvi !


Miss Finn:

Patrick Peatling for his focus and effort at ordering numbers and looking at 

the Place Value. Well Done!


Mr Maskell:

Maisie Moodie for creating a safe, quiet and positive learning environment for 

herself and her peers.


Mr Andronaco:

Rudhvin Pratheep for displaying amazing work and always aiming

to achieve more each week!


Miss Sidebottom:

Ivy Weber for being a great leader in our classroom and your great couplet poem.


Middle Years


Mr O'Hara:

Sabiana Selaj for her enthusiasm on camp and giving everything a go. 

Keep it up Sabiana!


Mr Secchi:

Evie Gale for the phenomenal effort and care she puts into every piece of work, especially her published persuasive piece about her love of beaches. 

Keep up the great work Evie! Well done.


Mr Renato:

Seth Arthur for displaying humor and charisma on camp and winning the talent show. 

Well done Seth!! 


Mrs Dainton:

Vihaan for his excellent work in his Readers’ Notebook. 

He is always helpful in class.  Well Done !


Mr Howley:

Kueth Agog for his involvement and participation at camp. 

His performance in the talent show was brilliant!


Senior Years


Mr Beks:

Ilisha Silva for always having a smile on her face in every aspect throughout the day and achieving some great writing this week.


Mr Lindon:

Nitya Advani for her outstanding positive attitude to start the school year as well as always extending herself with each learning task.


Mr Iorianni:

Isabelle Pensak for displaying great participation with her learning and doing it with a positive attitude. Great work, Isabelle!


Mr Thompson:

Hattie Dickins for continually striving to achieve her best in all aspects of her learning, 

and always being a kind and supportive friend to others.


Miss Mangiameli

Savannah Phillips for her excellent attendance and persistence in her learning this week! Well done Savannah! 




Junior Years


Mr Enright:

 Antonette Del Rosario for being a kind and caring member of our classroom by making all members of Foundation welcome.


Miss Turk:

Leora Kanakkahewa for being helpful to all members of our classroom. 

Thank you, Leora!


Mr Morrison:

Willow Brown for independently completing her weekly sound sort and

 helping her class mates. 

Great Job Willow!


Mrs Weber:

Maaz Fayyaz for always using beautiful manners and having a smile on his face. 

Well done Maaz!


Mr Maskell:

Phoebe He for always producing neat handwriting and always drawing colourful illustrations with her work.


Miss Finn:

Tilly Staggard for her ability to check her work to make sure it is correct. 

Keep it up!


Mr Andronaco:

Dilana Nguyenfor always completing her work to a satisfactory level and always looking for ways to extend her work.


Miss Sidebottom:

Violet Richardsonfor settling into school so well and being ready to learn each day. Terrific work Violet!


Middle Years


Mr O'Hara:

Jaxon Wileman for his amazing work creating a paper whale mosaic. 

Keep it up Jaxon!


Mr Secchi:

Leo Moodie for his enthusiasm and competitiveness during our sports sessions and camp. He has been a fantastic team player this term!


Mr Renato:

Samra Morey for always showing responsibility in classroom jobs during pack time. 

She is always happy to complete others jobs as well. 

Well-Done Samra!  


Mrs Dainton:

Brodie for his  persistence  and determination in all areas of the curriculum. 

He is always helping his classmates.


Mr Howley:

Lily for her excellent story about her experiences at Camp Kookaburra.


Senior Years


Mr Lindon:

Fabian Rillstone for making a tremendous start to the school year and being a very valuable member of the Lindon/Beks environment.


Mr Beks:

Domenique Formica for always being respectful to teachers and peers and for consistently being a kind member who always tries her best. 

Domenique also has achieved some great Maths work this week.


Mr Iorianni:

Vinay Mathew for always being engaged in his learning. 

It has been great to see him participate and bring plenty of energy to the classroom. 

Well done!


Mr Thompson:

Cooper Garner for always attempting to complete his best work and having a 

positive attitude throughout all NAPLAN tests. 


Miss Mangiameli:

Kari Wanganeen for her excellent leadership and taking care of her peers and 

putting others before herself.