Catholic Identity

Assembly Prayer - 5/6 Mangiameli and Iorianni
Jesus talks with a Samaritan Woman (John 4:1-42)
Last Friday, our school community enjoyed the beautiful morning sunshine with our weekly prayer Assembly in our courtyard.
The students in Year 5/ 6 Mangiameli and Ioranni shared a very special prayer and
re-enactment on last Sunday’s Gospel from John 4:1-42, Jesus Talks With a Samaritan Woman. A special mention for Jesus-Alex Watkins and The Samaritan Woman-Isabelle Pensak. They both demonstrated great reverence and reflection in their re-enactment.
This Gospel passage highlights the humanity of Jesus - he was hot, tired and thirsty yet he found time to sit and listen to the woman. Is there someone in your family or class or community who needs a 'listening ear'. How can you be a kind and patient listener to someone?
A reminder to all our St Brendan’s families, you are all most WELCOME to join us for our Prayer Assembly. They are usually held every Friday in the courtyard at 9am, while the weather is nice. If your son or daughter’s class are on for Prayer Assembly, they will let you know.
If you need to double check if the Assembly is on, feel free to call our office (58 211926) and check with Jo or Kim or directly message me, via my email:
Holy Week Liturgies
This year, we continue the tradition of presenting our outdoor Holy Week Liturgies across all year levels.
This is a special time of the year, in which all the students become involved in learning about our Catholic Journey with Jesus to the cross and His Resurrection. The students always demonstrate great reverence during these Liturgies and it is a privilege to witness.
All families are WELCOME to come along and witness these special Liturgies in our courtyard. Please see the attached schedule for when your child will be involved in their class Liturgy for Holy Week and ALWAYS, you are most welcome to come along and watch.
Solidarity Walk
Save this date and come along and join us on a walk in solidarity to raise money for Caritas. Let’s put COMPASSION into ACTION!
(Week 10)
Leanne Pellegrino
(Catholic Identity Leader)