A message from our Principal

Dear St. Brendan's School Community,
This week our Years 3 and 5 students have undertaken their NAPLAN Assessments online.
Year 3 students did a paper test for Writing. I would like to acknowledge these students that completed the Assessments. It was done very calmly and all students tried their best.
Students will sit the final NAPLAN Assessment (Numeracy) tomorrow, Friday.
Many thanks to Dave Maskell for all his work and organisation in making sure all laptops were set up and ready for students.
Thank you to our Middle and Senior Years Teachers for all their supervision and administration of the Assessments and for their organisation of work for all Year 4 and Year 6 students.
School Photos
This coming Monday, 20th March we will be having our School Photos.
A reminder to please return your child's photo envelope to school by the end of day Friday (tomorrow). Envelopes must be returned to School, even if you are not placing an order.
Students are to wear full summer uniform (no sports uniform).
FAMILY PHOTO envelopes are available for collection from the School Office for families who wish to have siblings photographed together.
Harmony Day
Next Friday, 24th March we will celebrate Harmony Day. Students are encouraged to come dressed come in either traditional cultural dress or colours that represent a country of interest.
Parents/Carers are most welcome to join us for our Harmony Day Parades being held at 9am (see Harmony Day Flyer attached in this Newsletter).
Students will participate in a fun program of Art, Craft and a Hip Hop Dance workshop across all our learning communities throughout the day.
Please ensure your child wears appropriate footwear for the day.
Supporting Readers at Home
On Thursday, 30th March from 2.30pm to 3.15pm there will be an Information Session held in the Learning Enrichment Centre (LEC) for Foundation parents who are interested in getting some support with helping their children with reading at home.
This session will be facilitated by Heather Woodman (Reading Recovery) and myself.
During this session we will talk about approaches to teaching reading, strategies to work on at different reading levels and ideas to help with learning sight words.
Please register your attendance by completing this Google form.
Kind regards,
Mr Joel Brian (Deputy Principal).