Anti-Bullying Day 

This Thursday!

Anti-Bullying Day at Staughton College

As we usually do, we are holding Anti-Bullying Day on Thursday 16 March this year!   We found out just recently that the official day, called National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence, is now officially to be held in August, but holding it earlier in the year as we have always done means it gives staff the opportunity to remind students about the importance of being an upstander against bullying right from the start of the year. Here are some of the statistics and they are worrying. 

  • Just over 1 in 4 students in Australia have experienced bullying.
  • 83% of students who bully others online also bully others in person.
  • 84% of students who were bullied online were also bullied in person.
  • Peers are present as onlookers in 85% of bullying interactions, and play a central role in the bullying process.  We can all make a difference.

In the lead up to the day we are running a POSTER COMPETITION with the theme “You have the power” with three yummy prizes. Winners will be presented with their certificates and prizes during the lunch time activities on the day. 


The lunch time activities will be held outside and around the Wellbeing area, and include:

  • An antibullying playlist of music outside the Wellbeing and Library area
  • Winners’ presentations of prizes and certificates
  • A photo-frame and message activity that we will use to create a school poster with messages about kindness
  • Melton YOUNG COMMUNITIES will be present to lead an activity about being an UPSTANDER. 
  • YEP students will be involved with some anti bullying and kindness themed badges 


Come and join in and mingle

Josie, Secondary School Nurse