Year 3-6 Sector


Year 3

In grade 3 we have learnt about persuasive devices and how to write a persuasive text. In maths we have learnt about the split strategy, jump strategy and we have also learnt about place value. Lastly, in science we have learnt how animals and humans keep warm. We have investigated different things that can make objects warm, hot and really hot. I have enjoyed maths the most. 



We are proud of all our students' efforts, positive mindsets and look forward to acknowledging and celebrating their accomplishments with them throughout these units.

Year 3 Team


Year 4

In Literacy, students are wrapping up their persuasive units. They have worked hard to create a persuasive piece using techniques practiced and learnt throughout the unit. After exploring the different persuasive devices through reading texts, students have created their own style to persuade their audiences.


During Maths, students have been problem solving using a range of strategies. They explored number lines and found that using tens numbers can help us with mental calculations.

During Humanities, students had lots of fun playing the Game of Life and exploring the idea of making choices through life. They explained why they would make the same choices or if they would change their choices if they played the game again. 

''In year 4, kindness is our jam!''

Year 4 Team

Year 5

Grade 5’s have been very busy. We have been learning lots of different things in preparation for NAPLAN.

In reading, we are learning to understand persuasive writing and how to analyse and critique persuasive texts. We have recently been looking at answering questions about whether a text is reliable or not, we analyse the persuasive devices so we can critique if they are effective or not. To understand persuasive writing, we discuss about different texts such as advertisements. We ask ourselves what the purpose of the text is so we know how and why a text was made.


In writing, we have currently started working on our persuasive texts that include introductions, OREO paragraphs and conclusions. Everyone got to choose a topic that they would want to persuade about. We have learnt about facts and opinions to help others understand why we use it in persuasive texts. We thought about making arguments for both sides of a text and we have been learning about persuasive devices and how they help persuade.


In maths, we have recently been looking at addition and subtraction. Most of us have achieved the goal of renaming/regrouping while using the two operations. Some people have also learnt about decimals and how to read and write them. We have looked deeply into place value! Partitioning numbers was a little challenging at first but once we learnt it, we got the hang of it. Some of us got the opportunity to learn about integers and how to order them and add or subtract them. Also, how to solve positive and negative number equations.


In health we have been looking at safety in the water and in the sun. We have designed a safe and unsafe pool and made a poster about the 5 ways we can be sun smart.

Humanities is all about social justice issues and what we can do to stop them. We have looked at anti-poverty and the effects of poor education. We learnt about Greta Thunberg and what she did to protect against global warming.


In P.E and Sport we have been training for the opportunity to go to interschool sports. Our Athletics Carnival is a huge hit in P.E. We have been practicing our triple jump so far.


In our Music lessons we have been learning how to become familiar with playing keyboards. Our recent lesson was about learning hand position and playing chords for popular songs.


Lastly, in digital technology we have been learning how whole numbers are used to represent data. We have identified how binary works and what numbers are needed.

From Jhasan 5A



Kind regards,

Grade 5 Teachers

Year 6


Hello Brookside, our year 6 students have settled nicely into term 1 and we cannot believe how quick it is going! 



In maths, we have our fractions unit well underway.  Students are determining how to place fractions on a number line and finding different ways to represent them. Our students are looking at adding and subtracting fractions with different denominators. 



In writing, students have been writing a persuasive text on the topic ‘if you were stranded on a deserted island with somebody, who would it be?’. Students are trying to convince their targeted audience on why this person would be the best participant to help them survive. Who will they choose?



In science, we have been looking at microorganisms. This week in science, we looked at the microorganism of yeast. The year 6’s investigated the effect yeast had when mixed with water and or sugar. We did this mixing the contents into a water bottle, putting a balloon over the lid and watching the balloon expand through the activation of yeast.

"In Year 6 we are cool because we thrive at school."

Grade 6 Team