Secondary School News

Linda Wakeling 

Secondary has been busy these last couple of weeks. Many of our students are starting to slow down and show that they are ready for the school holidays. Last week some of our students visited bounce for the 10th Anniversary birthday celebration for secondary. Next week the remainder of our students will visit Bounce. This has been a fantastic excursion for our students and staff to celebrate together. 


Many of our rooms are planning excursions for next term and there are some great opportunities coming up in term 2. Excursions are very important for our students as they learn important social and community skills. They learn to move safely around the communities, access community spaces, practise important skills such as handling money and communicating with purposes such as ordering food or asking for help. Students look forward to excursions and learn many new skills. 


The Stephanie Alexandre Kitchen Garden is looking fantastic. Our students have been out weeding the beds, cutting out plants that have died back, harvesting and watering. The corns are looking amazing. Students enjoy spending time out in the garden and then going into the kitchen to learn how to cook with fresh produce. 


Rooms 20 and 24 were set up the 10th Anniversary open day. All the classrooms in secondary helped to make displays to show everyone who visited some of the amazing things we do at JSA. Some of our current and past students attended and helped with the tours. It was a fantastic day and everyone enjoyed visiting the school on a Saturday! 


Room 22

Term 1 has been busy in Room 22.   We welcomed a new student in our room. We have been learning about fiction books and how to identify fiction books. We are working on school expectations by looking after ourselves, looking after others and looking after school property. We love celebrating special days such as Birthday and Holi. We enjoyed going on excursion to the Age Library. In room 22, we enjoy Cooking, Gardening, PE and playing Interactive Math and English games on IWB.