Primary Sub School Stars of the Week

Room 1

  • Kevin, for demonstrating JSA Expected Behaviours: Looking After Myself- Following his visual schedule!
  • Aaron, for demonstrating JSA Expected Behaviours: Looking after Myself and Others- For waiting and taking turns! 

Room 2

  • Albert, for transitioning to and from the bus bay with minimal support. 
  • Riyansha, for using her mini schedule to complete her work tasks. 

Room 3

  • Homaira, has demonstrated she can join in activities with her new friends in Room 3.
  • Vaiga, has demonstrated she can make and eat toast with support.

Room 4

  • Mabior has demonstrated imagination and creativity during our art and craft sessions. Well done!
  • Lenny has demonstrated confidence during our literacy sessions and has shown a growth mindset.  Well done!

Room 5

  • Max, for showing enthusiasm towards learning activities and making positive contributions during class discussions.
  • Jaiveer, for settling well into Room 5 and our daily routine after an extended holiday. 

Room 6

  • Aarjav, for demonstrating good listening in class.
  • Sharwin, for sitting on his chair and joining the group during morning circle.

Room 7

  • Oliver, for working hard on his numeracy activities,
  • Aras, for walking to class in the morning!

Room 8

  • Tarkyn for using his new device
  • Maddison for working hard in class. 

Room 9

  • Nivan, for trying his best to complete work tasks and his excellent work on Reading Eggs.
  • Ilhan, his excellent communication work and his excellent requesting for preferred activities and items