Primary Sub-School News

Rachael Macmillan 

Some of our students had a very special treat last Friday to celebrate JSA's 10th birthday! "Aussie Farm Animals" set up farm for us near the secondary gate. Rooms 1, 2, 3 and 6 each had 30 minutes to spend with the animals. There were goats, lambs, hens, guinea pigs, rabbits, chicks, ducks and ducklings. 


The animals were fenced off in the area, which gave the students the option to look and observe before they entered the enclosure. For some students it was the first time they had been close to farm animals, so it was a very exciting experience. Students were able to show the animals affection by patting, brushing, touching and holding the animals. Well done to all the students who attending this incursion- you were able to experience something new, following instructions and have a great time!


Next week on 31st March, classrooms 4, 5, 7, 8, and 9 will have their turn to celebrate JSA's 10th birthday with a visit to Croc's play centre. Remember to return the permission note!


Has your child received a Student of the Week award? If so, this happens every Friday fortnight during the Primary Assembly time in the afternoon. Each classroom team selects one student per week to receive the award for displaying the JSA expected behaviours. Assembly was today, so if your child received an award, it will be in their school bag. The Students of the week are also listed in the newsletter. 


Last but not least, a very big "Thank You" to all the Primary families who attended our 10 year JSA birthday celebration on Saturday. It was great to see families and community members enjoy looking around our school and enjoying a special morning tea to celebrate together. A special thanks to Dexter and Ollie, our amazing student leaders in the Primary sub school, who also came along on the day.


Room 4- Term 1, 2023

                                      Team: Mary Boutros, Sidra Usman, Mumtana Waseem

We have had so many fun learning experiences so far.  Our experiences have included writing, tracing, painting, construction, borrowing books from the library, producing craft based on our story time books, shared reading, counting, creating patterns, cooking, gardening, measuring, using the climbing wall and building skills in the OT space. The team in Room 4 are looking forward to nurturing your child's learning and creativity even more throughout the year.