Facilities News 

Dr Denise Clarke              Frances Hansen

Capital Works Manager     Facilities Manager

Special Award for Jacana's Cleaner

Following a glowing cleaning inspection report by the Department of Education, Manel Ranasinghe has been selected as Employee of the month by Menzies International. Manel is a great cleaner and takes great pride in keeping the school clean and safe for the students and staff. This is a well-deserved award Manel. Congratulations


Capital Works Report

Inclusive School Fund - Sensory Room

It is getting close to the end. The cladding at the bottom of the building needs to be installed and left over building materials removed from site. The inside of the room has part of one wall  padded for students to bounce into for sensory input to shoulders and hips.  There will be provision for suspension equipment to be installed as required shortly. 

Pathway and landscaping
Sensory Room
Pathway and landscaping
Sensory Room


Yaluk Building 

Work has been on hold for a couple of weeks as we wait for the delivery of steel. The first delivery is scheduled for 4th April so lets hope there can be some development of the building after then.


As the site is vacant at the moment the contractors has strengthened security by installing shade cloth to the temporary fencing in the staff carpark. Someone is checking the site daily.

Shade sail on fences
Shade sail on fences

Facilities Managers Report

Over the last few weeks the grounds at the school have had a facelift. Mulch has been added to the Middle School outdoor learning area and the dividing fence removed. This has created a great space to students to work at the installed tables or to relax under the trees. Mulch has also been added to the area around the Music Room, bus loop & parents carpark. Making all areas more welcoming for staff, students & parents.

Bus Loop
Music Room
Middle School Outdoor Learning
Rear of Room 19
Bus Loop
Music Room
Middle School Outdoor Learning
Rear of Room 19

More works are planned for during the Term 1 break

  • Ramp to bike container in bus loop
  • Secondary Outdoor learning space
  • Installation of new Birds nest swing & rubber safe fall area in Playground 3