
Principal News Flash 


Stephanie Di Salvo, Dan Moloney & Eva Primarolo


Hi there JSA students, parent/carers and families,


We are progressing well into Term 1 whilst the end of term is nearing. We were thrilled with the success of our 10th Anniversary Open Day and In-House celebrations marking the many successes over our prosperous journey since 2013. 


In addition to these celebrations, we are in a strong reflection phase of the last 4 years at JSA as we undertake our School Review over the next fortnight to make plans for an even more exciting 4 years ahead.


Key items of JSA interest that Steph, Eva and I oversee include:


Term 1 SSG Teacher Feedback Results

Since our Term 1 SSGs were held in Weeks 3-5, we surveyed our teachers regarding a range of topics to seek their insights regarding general uptake, preferred format and additional feedback. Whilst we received a response from the large majority of our classrooms, I have collated a summary to share with you all:

  • 85% of families attended
  • Most preferred forum: 47% phone meetings, 16% face to face, 37% combination (Phone/Face to Face and WebEx)
  • All respondents felt that the agenda format was flexible and easy to work with
  • Suggestions: incorporate scope for updated student interests, motivators, external supports in the agenda, plan to support teachers to access those hard to reach families who do not attend

Despite recent challenges with the XUNO Booking System (yet to be rectified), we were pleased with the response this term and can see that in the majority of these rooms nearly all families attended their child’s SSG. We are keen to survey our families after Term 2 SSGs are conducted.


Semester 1 Individual Education Plans (IEPs)

This semester, our Individual Education Plans (IEPs) will comprise of 13 goals be centred on:

  • English (Reading & Viewing, Writing and Speaking & Listening)
  • Mathematics (Number & Algebra, Measurement & Geometry and Statistics & Probability)
  • Critical & Creative Thinking (Questioning & Possibilities, Metacognition and Reasoning)
  • Personal & Social Capabilities (Self Awareness and Social Awareness)
  • Music
  • Visual Arts
  • Health & PE

We aim for each child’s IEP to be differentiated and as well-targeted as possible. Our teachers are driven to suitably engage, motivate and challenge your children to achieve their goals semester by semester. We look forward to sharing these with you via XUNO or to be sent in hard copy on Thursday, 7th April. 


Term 1 New Staff Inductions

This term, we have planned New Staff Induction Sessions to help them settle into our school and develop a strong familiarity with our systems and processes as the year progresses. The key topics we wish to elaborate on include:

  • JSA School History and IT Systems
  • Planning and Conducting Teaching and Learning/Excursions
  • Tier 1 Autism Practices

We have received encouraging feedback from our new staff indicating that they have enjoyed a steady introduction to our school and that they know and use the supports we have in place to help them feel effective in their roles.

Term 2 Swimming Program

In Term 2, we will be holding our annual school wide Swimming Program at the Broadmeadows Swimming Centre. Students will be attending 5 x 45 minute sessions over a one-week block, as follows:

  • Week 4: Secondary Sub School
  • Week 5: Middle Sub School
  • Week 6: Primary Sub School

Will Hawtree, Tom Martin and Sven O’Flynn, our H&PE teachers and will be encouraging all parent/carers to volunteer their time and to confirm their Working With Children Clearance (WWCC) this term. Parent Permission slips will also be sent out no later than Term 1 Week 9. Please watch this space!

Head Start Program

This year, we have been included in the Head Start program designed to help students (aged from 16 years and up) to begin an apprenticeship or traineeship while still at school. This program tends to cater for individual students seeking alternate pathways to our existing SBAT/VET programs to specialise in an area that interests them personally. Di Jensen is our designated Head Start rep who will be working with our Community Support Officer and specific students to assess their suitability and facilitate their access to the program.


Feel free to follow this link to better understand how this program works:


Term 2 Curriculum Focuses

Each term, all students explore learning common topics that align with the Victorian Curriculum and those of local interest. In Term 2, we will be studying:

  • Science: 'Our Senses in Familiar Places' 
  • Health & PE: 'Rhythmic and Expression' Understanding Movement
  • Music & Dance: 'Multicultural Dance'
  • Visual Arts: 'Weather and Landscapes'

In Week 10, we will be conducting our termly ‘Share the Work’ session to inform teachers of each Curriculum Team’s plan for the Term 2 curriculum and reflect upon their successes in the term-long collaborations.

We hope that you and your child are enjoying a positive experience at JSA. 

We encourage you to continue to collaborate with your child's teaching team to ensure as smooth a journey as possible throughout.