General News

R U OK Day

Tomorrow,Thursday 8th of September is R U OK day which is Australia’s National Day of action where we remind everyone that EVERY DAY is the day to ask ‘Are you ok?’ On this day students will be doing some activities in the classroom with their teachers where they will learn the steps of what to do when we notice that someone may not be feeling ok. 

The colour theme for this day is Yellow so we ask students to wear as much yellow as they can on this day and to bring in a gold coin donation to help raise awareness about the importance of connecting with people who may be in need of some help. 

TPS Art Show require donations urgently!

You are invited to the opening of our Art Show on Thursday 15 September from 3.45 pm to 7.30 pm in the hall. If you would like to volunteer to help with the Art Show, please click here to register your interest.


Donations of New Art Materials Required!

We are requesting any newly packaged art supplies to be used as raffle prizes at our Art Show. Donations can be anything art related eg. coloured pencils, markers, crayons, papers, DIY craft kits, paint sets or individual paints. Kindly drop any donations into the office.


Pre - purchase of Gingerbread Cookies, raffle tickets and greeting cards

Hand-crafted artist pallete gingerbread cookies, greeting cards, and raffle tickets are available for purchase on QkR.

  • Raffle tickets $2 each or 3 for $5
  • Greeting Card $3 or 2 for $5
  • Gingerbread Cookies $10

Book Week

Bookweek was celebrated recently at TPS. Students and staff dressed up as their favourite storybook character and enjoyed parading in front of their peers at assembly. One student from each year level was awarded with the best dressed title. Our judges looked for costumes that were creative and had utilised 'bits and pieces' from home. Year level winners were -

Year LevelName of Winner
FoundationStephanie (Nini) C 
Year 1Oskar G
Year 2Alex B
Year 3Archie R
Year 4Lily F 
Year 5Ella F
Year 6Inouk M

We thank students who brought a gold coin donation on the day. The amount of $208 was raised and donated to our Story Dogs program. 

Fathers Day Breakfast BBQ

Father's Day Breakfast
Father's day Breakfast
Father's Day Breakfast
Father's day Breakfast

Last Friday we hosted a breakfast to celebrate Father's Day. It was wonderful to see so many Dad's came along to the event. Dad's enjoyed partaking in the joke competition, watching the Foundation musical performance and getting to mingle with other Dad's. A big shout out to our amazing volunteers who helped to make this event a great success - Yan Zepf (event organiser), Alexandra Campbell, Alicia Brown, Angela Mulhall, Christine, James, James Forbes, Jodie, Mathew Nebbs, Madonna Idzes, MingHeng Tan, Nichola Coombs, Peter, Robyn, Sophia Brooke, Kye Tan and Sophie Zepf)  A special thanks to Aliette Errington who organised the food donations from Coles and Angela Mulhall for organising the competition prize. We also thank our local Hawksburn shops, Bakers Delight and Woolworths. Finally, thanks to the EMF committee who arrange many fundraising events throughout the year. Please put up your hand for events if you would like to get involved. It's a great way to meeting parents! 

Coffee Cup Recycling Station


Our coffee cup recycling stations have arrived. One station has been placed in the staffroom and two more have been brought for our coffee cart days, one of which is on Friday 16 September to coincide with our Footy Colours Day. 

Please ensure you check the label before placing empty cups etc in them as one side is for cups and the other is for lids and straws. 

Toorak Basketball Prep and Grade 1 Beginners Program

Hi Prep and Grade 1 Parents, Toorak Basketball Club will run Beginners Basketball in Term 4 to prepare young athletes to take the court in Term 1, 2023 against other schools and clubs. Training will be each Monday morning on the TPS courts from 8am to 8.45am commencing on October 10th and concluding on 5th December. The cost will be $95 for the term.

Click here to register.

Any queries, please contact Stuart on 

0437 779 883. GO TOORAK!!!

Tennis Lessons at TPS - Term 4

Hot Shots Tennis Coaching will commence at TPS in term 4 each Friday after school from 3.35 pm to 4.10 pm. Call or text 0422 728 938 to register your interest or visit

Foundation 2023 Enrolment

A reminder to parents, that if you have a child commencing in Foundation next year, and have not submitted your enrolment form, please drop by the office or contact and request an enrolment form to be emailed.

Exiting Grade 1 to Grade 5 Students

If you have a child in Foundation through to Grade 5 and are planning to leave Toorak Primary School at the end of 2022, could you please email the office at 

Second Hand Uniform Stall

Our uniform stall will be open on

Friday 16 September from 8.30am to 9.15am. A reminder to check lost property for uniform as the area will be cleaned up at the end of the term. Any unclaimed items will be donated.