Acting Principal's Message

School Vision:  We provide a dynamic learning environment that engages and inspires students to achieve their personal best in an atmosphere of mutual respect and cooperation.

Ms Wildermuth
Ms Wildermuth

Dear Families, Welcome to Spring! It is lovely to arrive onto our attractive school grounds, whilst it is light, and the sun dapples through the new spring growth on our gorgeous trees. Looking at the many trees blossoming has really made the promise of warmer weather ahead very promising. 

It is hard to believe that this is the last two weeks of term 3 and that we are planning for 2023 school year! Where has the year gone?

As this is the last newsletter of the term I wish all our families a restful, enjoyable and safe holiday! 

How important are our Male role Models?

To our dads/grandfathers and other male role models. I hope you all had a wonderful Father’s Day. To those who may have lost their fathers since last Father’s Day and to those who hold their fathers deep in their hearts, my thoughts go out to you all. Father figures, along with other important figures in our student lives, provide such positive role modelling to our children. 

Did you know that?   That by continuing to engage in warm, supportive fathering, it is shown to support the emotional and social development of children. That’s why I’m delighted, that the work that TPS is undertaking with educating, supporting and empowering fathers and father figures, for the benefit of our students, will have their first event tonight. I look forward to seeing all the dads/male role models tonight!

This initiative is being led by our Student Wellbeing and Welfare staff member, Sara Harris and supportive fathers of our school, along with the Fathering Project. The Fathering Project. is a secular, not for profit organisation operating across Australia. Thank-you for your time and effort to make this happen.


Where is that school hat? SunSmart Reminder 

A reminder that from last Thursday, that school hats are to be worn by students when outside, when at school and when attending all camps and excursions.


Where do you want to see TPS in the next four years? Have your say


As Toorak Primary School undertakes its school review (every four years) and focuses on the school's goals and achievements, we also set direction for the future and encourage your voice as community members in this process. 


The school is currently completing its self-evaluation. As part of this evaluation process, we offer you the opportunity to complete this survey.


Your feedback on Toorak PS - highlights, successes, and challenges, over the last four years, including your perspective on 'Where to next?' will help us to develop our new School Strategic Plan.


Thank you in advance for your contributing your voice in this process. Your voice will help to ensure Toorak Primary School continues to aspire and inspire our students to achieve their potential, in partnership with you and our community. 

Naplan 2022

Yesterday we received Individual Student Reports for our Year 3 and Year 5 students. We will be sending these reports home next week so do be on the lookout for the 2022 student NAPLAN reports.


NAPLAN test results provide information on how students are performing in literacy and numeracy and support improvements in teaching and learning. The data from NAPLAN test results gives schools and systems the ability to measure their students’ achievements against national minimum standards and student performance in other states and territories.

Individual student performance is shown on a national achievement scale for each test that shows how the performance of individual students can be compared to the average performance of all students in Australia.

If you have any questions relating to the NAPLAN assessment, please contact your child/ren’s classroom teacher.


A reminder that TPS requires all students to wear school uniform to school. A uniform dress code reinforces in students a pride in their own appearance, instils recognition of themselves as an integral part of our community. Students are expected to dress in complete school uniform in a way that reflects a sense of pride in their school and themselves. 

A reminder of our uniform expectations, as we have seen a few items creeping in that are not part of the expected uniform. This includes leggings, non-TPS hats and sports clubs’ jumpers (including the TPS basketball teams). Please remind your children of the expected uniform and the appropriate times to wear the other items.

Parent Opinion Survey – We would love to hear your thoughts for 2022

Thank-you to those parents who have completed the state government Parent Opinion Survey. The Parent/Caregiver/Guardian Opinion Survey is an annual survey offered by the Department of Education and Training that is designed to assist schools in gaining an understanding of families’ perceptions of school climate, student behavior, and student engagement. We encourage all families to participate in this survey. 

The Parent/Caregiver/Guardian Opinion Survey is open until Friday 16th September.