Science Week / Semaine des sciences
Grade 5/6 students were teachers for the week
This year we celebrated Science Week by allowing our Grade 5/6 to become science teachers for the younger students in the school. They learned about scientific process, researched and presented their fascinating lessons!
Cette année pour la semaine des sciences, les élèves de CM2 et 6ème se sont transformés en professeurs pour enseigner aux plus jeunes. Ils ont étudié le procédé scientifique, fait des recherches et présenté des lessons époustouflantes !
Hear it from the students:
In the 5/6 cohort, we have been learning about the Scientific Process as part of our unit of inquiry. We have planned and worked on experiments to run for the younger students during Science Week. We worked in small groups and have been practising them in class to become experts. A few younger students would be allocated to each post and then the 5/6s would explain the experiment and do it with their curious peers. We helped our peers write or draw a hypothesis at the start like a scientist would. There were interesting expressions from the junior part of the school after witnessing the magic happen.
Rushil 5/6B - STEM Leader
I think it was a fun experience to run experiments with the Preps. They learnt a lot and we learnt from them too! I look forward to running the next session with 1/2B.
- Amos 5/6B
Les enfants des classes 2F et 1D sont venus pour voir deux différentes expériences qui s'appellent “l’encre aquatique et l'expérience multicolore.” Les élèves et les profs d'années 5 ont travaillé et préparé longtemps pour le projet.
-Tom B 5D
This week it’s science week. In my group with Victoria and Zélie we did a science experiment with milk, soap, cotton and food colouring. So far we have had year 2 and year 1 classes come to our class and we have shown them how to do it. I think they really enjoyed seeing it and doing the experiment themselves.
-Caoimhe 5D
Pour la semaine des sciences j’ai fait une expérience multicolore avec ma copine Caitlin. Nous avons présenté l’expérience à d'autres classes. Après, les enfants ont pu la faire tout seul. Je me suis beaucoup amusée et c'était super !
Sophie 5D
Les expériences scientifiques avec 2F étaient vraiment amusantes ! Les enfants ont adoré ces moments interactifs durant l'expérience de l'encre aquatique.
-Felix H 5D
semaine est la semaine de la science, dans mon groupe avec Caoimhe et Zélie on a fait une expérience avec du lait, du colorant alimentaire, du savon sous forme de mousse et des cotons tiges. C'était très amusant de voir les réactions des petits quand le coton a touché le lait et a fait une mini explosion de couleurs ! Une élève en 2F était si intéressée par notre expérience qu'elle savait même plus de science que moi !
-Victoria 5D
Coding with the STEM team
Coding for Science Week
This term, the STEM Team consisting of Miss Spencer, Mr Reese, Mr Ramano, Miss Vais and Miss Owen, have welcomed Coby Reynolds, a Digital Technology Consultant to CJC. During his visits, he has worked with staff to improve the way digital technologies are taught and integrated into student learning. Coby has also ran some lesson with students across the school.
The STEM Team designed a coding lesson for our 3-6 students where they had to help solve a real-world issue by finding digital solutions. Students coded an alarm on the Microbits to alert us when our classrooms were too warm and therefore, wasting excess energy. The students were highly engaged and are loving using these new devices.