RUOK? Week

R U OK? Day
A national day of action, with the purpose to remind everyone that every day is a day to ask, ‘are you ok?’.
Showing you care can make someone feel supported and connected and taking the time for a meaningful conversation might be just what someone needs to help them through a tough time.
You don't need to be an expert to ask, 'are you OK?' but if you need some guidance here’s what is suggested for you use:
4 Steps of an R U OK? conversation.
- Ask
- Listen
- Encourage action
- Check in
During R U OK? week, the Wellbeing team hosted events that improve mental health. On Monday and Tuesday 1st break, a basketball competition and soccer competition was held.
Mental health benefits of exercise: Exercise releases chemicals like endorphins and serotonin that improve your mood. It can also get you out in the world, help to reduce any feelings of loneliness and isolation, and put you in touch with other people. Exercise supports better sleep and mood regulation. It also reduces skeletal muscle tension which helps relaxation. Australian guidelines suggest that 30 minutes of moderate to intensive physical activity most or all days of the week can improve your mental health.
On Tuesday 2nd break, the ‘Messages of Hope’ activity was facilitated. This included the Wellbeing team and Wellbeing student peer workers going around the school yard and asking students to write a message of hope to their peers, with the idea of what they would say to their friend if they were having a bad day. Messages of hope boosts self-esteem, strengthens faith and can improve levels of self-determination for change. This activity was also completed with parents at the meet and connect, as well as with teachers on curriculum day. You can now see the full art installation in Wellbeing!
On Thursday 1st break, the wellbeing team, wellbeing student peer workers, VCAL students and staff handed out jelly cups and cookies. Although it wasn’t the healthiest of food choices, we used the opportunity of food to send out information about healthy eating and how this improves mental health. Water intake is very important for managing anxiety. Even if you’re not experiencing anxiety, drinking enough water can reduce stress. Eating well provides more energy and improved concentration.
On Thursday 2nd break, Josh from The Huddle came out to play board games and promote The Huddle’s school holiday program.
On Friday both breaks, Wyndham City Council youth workers, Hayley, Nicole and Eric attended Tarneit Senior College with the Street Surfer bus! Dj Shah also provided the good vibes with his amazing tunes.
Having a sense of belonging in community can support mental health. It encourages social participation, which supports feeling valued, comfortable and reducing feelings of isolation. It provides a support system in having someone to asking you if you’re ok, when you’re in difficult situations. Community fosters a sense of confidence and safety. Thank you to all the staff and wellbeing student peer workers for all of your support! A huge shoutout to all of the students that got involved during the weeks events. We hope you enjoyed it! 😊
A message from Dot from Wellbeing
Dear students,
I want to remind you that it’s ok to not be ok.
We are all human and sometimes we go through difficult things and may need support to get through them. If you find yourself in that position, I encourage you to please reach out for support. If you know a friend that is in that position, I encourage you to encourage them to reach out for support. Maybe even do it with them so they feel more comfortable. There are so many avenues of support. Your family, friends, teachers, wellbeing staff, principals, coaches, work manager.
I know that asking for support isn’t the easiest of things, but in Wellbeing we are here for you from 8am-4pm Monday-Friday if you would like to come in for a chat.
If you need support to get a mental health plan for external support, you can come into Wellbeing and we will provide you with a document that outlines how to do so.
Afterhours support - Kids Helpline: 1800 55 1800
“Just because no one else can heal or do your inner work for you, doesn’t mean you can, should, or need to do it alone.”
Thank you,
Wellbeing Team
Tarneit Senior College