HSDC Dance Competition

The High School Dance Competition - Bollywood Theme started in 2015 organised by Archana Koorthy. Tarneit Senior College participated in the competition for the first time this year. There were 5 senior schools that participated in the competition this year.
The judgement on best performance was based on 60% weightage from judges and 40% from audience poll. For the purpose of audience polls, each school had to bring their ballot box that represented a Bollywood theme. The girls prepared the required ballot box with all Bollywood star photos and dialogues from popular Bollywood movies which was a great success.
All our participants Chelsey, Pranjal, Rithvika, Krupali and Tanushri demonstrated great leadership qualities by independently finalising a song to dance on their own, preparing choreography, organising costumes, and most importantly managing their time for rehearsal out of school time and during lunch breaks. By participating in this competition, they not only developed more confidence and team building but also made the school proud by putting into play what they learn every day.
Our participants were recognised for their multicultural performance based on their choice of songs and choreography. We are so proud of them and thank the school management for letting them do this extracurricular activity. I am hopeful looking at the success, more students will come forward for similar activities as they are a great way to make friends and show their undiscovered talent.
Harneet Bedi
Year 12 Coordinator