Wear it Purple Day

Wear It Purple Day 2022 

Wear it purple day is an annual LGBTQIA+ awareness and support day. It is focused towards young people in Australia. Supporters of WIP wear purple to celebrate diversity and LGBTQIA+ youth. 


The day was originally organized by a student run, not-for-profit organization called Wear It Purple although our school is supported by Minus 18 and collects donations for Minus 18.


This year for Wear it Purple, students were encouraged to wear purple to school and the LGBTQIA+ pride group and the SRC held a bake sale and sold cookies and cakes and fairy floss, as well as badge and bracelet making.

Everyone had a fun time both baking and selling the tasty treats.  The final amount raised is still being tallied (it was a lot of gold coins!). 


Donations to minus 18 helps them to aide and support LGBTQIA+ youth in need. Donations also help them teach young people all around the world about LGBTQIA+ youth and spreads awareness on issues that are being faced or ways to support people you know in their identity. 

Žába Black Yr10


The LGBTIQA+ Alliance meets every Tuesday at lunchtime - new members always welcome. Anyone who is interested in joining the group or who would like to be added onto the team, please contact me for details. 🏳️‍🌈 


Sandra Middleton

LGBTIQA+ Alliance Group Leader