Attendance Report 

Dear Parents and Carers,


’Authorised’ absences typically have parent-approved explanations that schools find acceptable. For example, illness, medical/health care appointments, religious or cultural activities, suspension from school, family holidays or bereavement. ‘Unauthorised’ absences occur when a school either does not receive an explanation or where the explanation given is deemed unacceptable by the school/school principal; for example, in the case of truancy. Unauthorised absences are typically associated with larger declines in student achievement.


Although a smaller proportion of students have unauthorised absences, unauthorised absences have a more negative effect on student achievement than authorised absences. For example, research has found that students with more than 20% authorised absences (up to 40 authorised full day absences per year) and no unauthorised absences, still achieved higher at the Year 5 level on the numeracy domain than students with 5% unauthorised absences (up to 10 unauthorised full day absences per year). 


Here at Melton West Primary School we are understanding of the current times we are in and the importance of staying home when your child is unwell. When your child is healthy its important for them to come to school, so that they are getting full access to their education and learning to the best of their ability. 




Kind Regards

Aira Agarano  

Engagement and Attendance Officer