At St Joseph’s College, leadership is an important part of student learning. We are regularly impressed by the quality of students chosen as leaders. 


With this in mind, we would like to commend and affirm all the students who applied for the 2023 College Captain and College Vice Captain roles. You have shown courage and strength. We thank you for the privilege of meeting and talking with you. 


FOR 2023…

We are pleased to announce Lily Bruhn and Tom Sapuppo as the College Captains.

We also congratulate Kaitlin Hards and Anthony De Maria on their appointment as the College's Vice Captains.


These fine young men and women understand that, to be a leader, one should create positive and substantial change in small, everyday ways. In 2023, they have the opportunity to prove that the concept of authentic leadership is inspired by the integrity of one's heart and faith, along with accountable, responsible stewardship.


Congratulations and well done, Lily and Tom, Kaitlin and Anthony, we are very proud of you. Thank you to all those who have assisted and inspired you on your journey to this point in time. 


College Captain:  Lily Bruhn

House: MacKillop  

Homeroom: HKP01A

Homeroom Teacher: Mrs Lisa Miller

‘A leader is someone who sets a positive example in the community and inspires those around them. They are a role model for all and set standards for behaviour, yet they are a kind person who people feel comfortable being around. My leadership vision is to make a difference. This role will allow me to get to know more students and be in a position where I can help and support you all to create a more inclusive community.'


College Captain: Tom Sapuppo

House: MacKillop  

Homeroom: HKP01G

Homeroom Teacher: Mrs Rebecca Miller

‘I believe the key to successful leadership is not authority, but influence. As a proud member of our college, especially Mackillop House, I have always felt a strong sense of community within our school. Being one of our college's core values, community is what I value most, and I believe it is truly unmatched. This was a major factor in my decision to stay at St Joseph’s College and write my own story despite all my friends choosing to leave. This taught me the importance of believing in myself and making the right decisions for my future. I will continue to encourage everyone to choose their own path, believe in themselves and strive for greatness in everything they do.’ 


College Vice Captain: Kaitlin Hards

House: Padua  

Homeroom: HPA01B

Homeroom Teacher: Ms Cheryl Hartshorn

‘Being college vice captain is an opportunity to work together with your peers, consider and act on different opinions, and ultimately strive for a better college community that reflects what the student body needs and wants. As a leader, you have the responsibility to work as part of a team, be respectful, listen to others and their ideas, and become the ideal role model people expect you to be.  I will genuinely try my hardest to be the best leader I can be and to live up to your expectations.’


College Vice Captain: Anthony De Maria

House: Xavier  

Homeroom: HXA01F

Homeroom Teacher: Mr Kevin Aston

‘Leadership is about bringing out the best in others. Success is always greater and more satisfying when part of a team. Everyone is the best at something, yet they may not know it. Through teamwork, each person can achieve their best. I aim to lead by example, supporting others to reach their goals. I commit to leading, encouraging and supporting each of my peers. I promise to work hard, to inspire, to mentor and to represent all students in the college community.’