Mr Chris Kan


Luke’s Gospel continues Jesus’ journey to Jerusalem – and on his way saying some hard things! This week it's all about “narrow doors” and who will be saved. In a nutshell – everyone, everywhere, is called to God’s Kingdom and everyone is welcome, but it takes time and persevering work to attain the fullness of what God wants for us. Our spiritual life has to be cultivated, lived out day by day, and not seen as some kind of “savings account” that we have in hand for a guaranteed entry into the Kingdom. Jesus tells us to strive, fight, battle, make a great effort, focus our energy - be single-minded in our determination! Jesus reminds us that there is only one way to live, and it’s narrow and difficult.


We are lovingly invited by God into the mystery of serving our neighbour as the primary activity in this life. This was the call that our founder, Euphrasie, and the RNDM Sisters living her example, heard and followed. How easy it is to forget this and how challenging to do it well! 


Jesus continues by turning the status quo around: some who, at present, appear to be “last” will be first when the coming of Jesus in glory takes place. On the other hand, some who are “first” now, in whatever worldly way, might be last or miss out on the coming of the Lord. The clear call is that everyone from everywhere works towards bringing others into the Kingdom – and by immersing ourselves in this mission we will no doubt find ourselves there too.









Mr Chris Kan

Dean of Campus Ministry