'I Wish I'd Asked'

RSL Visit

On Monday 5th August, students from the Peer Education and Australians at War classes visited the RSL to have lunch with Australian war veterans, as part of the ‘I Wish I’d Asked' program. Peer Ed students took part in the program during Semester 1. The Australians at War students commenced the program during Semester 2.

Students met with and interviewed Australian veterans about their war experiences and how they were affected by them. All interviews have been video-recorded, so that there will be a permanent record of them. The students and the veterans found the program to be very positive and rewarding, and some great friendships were established.

The ‘I Wish I’d Asked’ program was created by Danny Finley and Eva Gruen. It is being piloted in Shepparton prior to being launched Australia-wide. We sincerely thank Danny and Eva for inviting our school to participate and for their ongoing support, passion and enthusiasm throughout.