
It's started and our students are off running! 

This term, our school is joining Christian schools around Australia to support TEAR read-a-thon.


You can donate online at this address:  



Please note:  For those who would rather make cash donation, a tax deductible receipt will be available at Reception.  Thank-you!

Students and their classes are being encouraged to raise money to provide access to education for people who would otherwise miss out.  Students have been given a participant pack with reading and sponsorship lists and information on how others can support their efforts.

Who is TEAR Australia?

TEAR is a non-denominational Christian organisation that works in places of great need - helping communities end poverty, challenge injustice and build a sustainable future. Through partnership with locally-based Christian agencies TEAR provides basic health, education, agriculture for food, clean water, humanitarian assistance and income generation.

Why TEAR read-a-thon?

TEAR read-a-thon is a fun and practical way that your child can join with their school to respond to global poverty. It supports TEAR Australia’s education and literacy programs, helping people, households and communities to flourish.

How can I support my child?

You can encourage your child to read – keeping in mind those books at their current reading level and which will contribute to developing their own literacy. Your child will also be looking for sponsors - people to donate either per book read or a general donation for their efforts. We ask that your child doesn’t go door knocking but they ask people they know well - like their relatives, sport/club leader, people at church and so on.

For more information and to donate, find our school's donation page here:  https://readathon2019.tear.org.au/mildurachristiancollegetearreadathon