Dates to Remember
Wednesday 28th Year 7 Immunisations
Thursday 29th Last Day Term 1 2pm Finish
Thursday 5th School Aerobics Team holiday rehearsals
Monday 9th Production Rehearsals
Thursday 12th School Aerobics Team holiday rehearsal
Monday 16th First Day Term 2
Tuesday 17th Production Rehearsals
Thursday 19th Athletics Day whole school
Friday 20th EXCEL Academic Testing Expression of Interest Closes
Tuesday 24th City Trips 9A 9B 9C 9E
Thursday 26th City Trips 9D 9F 9G 9H
Friday 26th EXCEL Academic Testing Year 7 2019
Friday 27th Scholarship Expression of Interest Closes
(Academic, Sport, Leadership, Art)
Monday 30th - 3rd May Yr 11 Outdoor Education Camp
Tuesday 1st Melbourne Zoo Camp
Friday 4th Yr 10 Careers Expo
Thursday 10th District Cross Country
Tuesday 15th - 17th Yr 7 - Yr 9 Naplan
Tuesday 15th Parent Wellbeing Session
Monday 21st IDAHOT Day
Tuesday 22nd Dance Night
Wednesday 30th Yr 10 Immunisations
Monday 4th - 15th Yr 10/11 Exams
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