Our Star awards...

You're a Star Awards for Week 5 of Term 2 were awarded at assembly on 26 May:

FNMadeline M     For working hard to include lots of detail in her writing. Super work Maddie!
FHJack PFor the amazing effort you have put into improving your writing this term! You're a superstar Jack!
FBElise HFor coming to school with a smile and positive attitude everyday. You're a star!
FWMichael HFor bringing a helpful attitude to the classroom and unstacking the chairs each morning. Thanks Michael!
1PArthur JFor taking his time and working really hard completing his handwriting activities. Keep working hard Arthur! 
1JEddie For showing so much excitement and enthusiasm towards your reading!
1JIsla S-MFor working really hard all week, especially in maths, and following the 'ck' rules.
1SEliza SFor being a reflective learner who takes on teacher feedback to improve, particularly with your reading fluency.
1WBenny N-GFor his enthusiastic attitude to school and helping to organise the classroom. Well done Benny!
2GTaylor SFor your thoughtful contributions during class discussions. Keep up the great work Taylor !
2GGeorgia TFor always striving to do your best. Well done Georgia!
2MGemma HFor consistently demonstrating excellent listening skills and a terrific work ethic.
2MRyan KFor a super effort this week with your brainstorming for acrostic poems.
2N Henry FFor working co-operatively to achieve set tasks. A fabulous attitude Henry!
2NGrace HFor fantastic focus and effort on all learning tasks. Great work Grace!
2THeidi WFor writing awesome acrostic poetry this week. Well done Heidi! 
#BAmelia LFor being so thoughtful, kind and an absolute legend in 3B!
3BCharley LFor her amazing resilience shown after breaking her elbow. Well done writing with your opposite hand!
3HBodhi OFor his fantastic effort and improved focus over the last few weeks. Keep up the excellent job!
3JLogan BFor sharing so much knowledge about words with the class. Thank you! 
3JLachlan BFor his excellent work with compound sentences. Awesome! 
3RMaddie SFor her teamwork and cooperation skills during group activities!
4BLeo FFor putting his best foot forward during our writing sessions this week.
4BLucette MFor showing her 'writers voice' during our writing sessions this week.
4DGrace RFor your wonderful information report on your explorer. You make everything you write exciting to read!
4DHeidi KFor your unwavering ability to give everything your best efforts, even when you find them challenging.
4PLeila GFor showing great growth in her understanding of multiplication concepts. Well done Leila.
4SAidan RFor your consistent dedication to your school work and kindness to others.
4SAoife DFor your willingness to take on feedback to get the best out of yourself.
5GLeo NFor his well written collective noun poem based on mystical creatures. Great use of descriptive language.
5GAmber PFor her well written draft of her collective noun poem which included some great descriptive vocabulary. Great work!
5HLucas AFor his fantastic collective noun poem that included depth, detail and description. Well done! 
5OMya SFor always showing active listening and learning, and taking pride in her work. Well done Mya!
5RSeb IFor his descriptive, detailed collective noun poem about the jungle. Well done Seb.
5RRyusei OFor working cooperatively to produce an excellent, descriptive collective noun poem. Well done. 
5SSaana SFor her well planned, detailed and expressive collective noun poem 'The Farm'. Awesome job Saana!
5SLennox G-NFor his awesome effort at staying focused and completing fantastic work this week! Well done Lennox!
6BPhillip NFor working diligently on his information report and his excellent behaviour in the classroom.
6CRyan MFor working hard each day in the classroom and trying his best. Well done Ryan! 
6MHarry BFor having a positive attitude daily and sharing this with his peers. Well done Harry! 
6RZoe EFor seeking feedback and asking questions to make improvements to her work!


You're a Star Awards for Week 6 of Term 2 were awarded at assembly on 2 June:

FNRuby WFor carefully forming her letters with the 'Grass, Dirt, Sky' paper. You're a champion Ruby!
FHJonas LFor coming up with some super adjectives to describe jelly. Well done Jonas!
FBTheo FYour awesome attitude and big smile. You're a great a person to have in FB!
FWAlex JFor taking her time and care in her handwriting. You're a star Alex!
1PLoic PFor working really hard on his procedural text. Writing clear steps about how to give a llama a hair cut. Well done!
1JMaddison CFor putting so much effort and care into your writing!
1SCharlie N-GFor making a massive effort to display his personal strengths this week, by listening respectfully to others and putting his best effort into all tasks!
1WEthan SFor his focus and effort completing his Procedure Text about a Llama and his hair cut! Well done Ethan!
2GLucinda WFor always being a kind and helpful class member. Well done!
2GWilliam KFor being an active participant during class discussions. Well done Will!
2MAlex MFor his effort, presentation and care taken with publishing his crocodile diamante poem.
2MFlynn SFor making some strong choices during teaching and learning time this week.
2N Savanna SFor always striving to achieve her best. A wonderful attitude Savanna.
2TPoppy GFor writing an awesome diamante poem about dogs. You've included lots of interesting verbs and adjectives. Well done!
2TAlex StCFor writing an interesting acrostic poem about himself. Well done! 
3BCharlie JFor being empathetic towards his peers when they are upset.
3BIsabella WFor her amazing research report! Well done with your paragraph writing Isabella!
3HMily PFor working extremely hard on writing her information report. Well done Mily!
3JCurtis AFor putting a huge amount of effort into his Indigenous totem. It looks awesome!
3JWyatt SFor being an awesome classmate. We have enjoyed our time with you. Good luck! 
3RRyan WFor his excellent work learning about complex sentences!
4BCleo NFor her willingness to share her insightful knowledge and interesting stories.
4BJake HFor his valuable input on knowledge shown during our inquiry sessions on early Australian explorers.
4DAsher JFor being an awesome friend to all and a positive student who always tries their best. 
4PPoppy BFor writing an interesting and engaging information report about George Bass. Well done Poppy.
4PMaggie RFor completing a detailed information report about Matthew Flinders.
4SLily SFor her extremely hard working attitude and daily kindness to others.
4SDom HFor your wonderful organisational skills and enormous effort you put into your work.
5GGrace RFor the great use of descriptive language you used within your response writing activity this week. Great work.
5HAmelie RFor being a kind, caring and considerate member of the classroom. Congratulations! 
5OElsie KFor continuously working to the best of your ability and writing an incredibly descriptive response writing piece!
5RJack CFor his brilliant research about Eddie Betts for our inquiry project. Well done.
5SMackenzie S      For always being such a wonderful role model to others with her kindness and hardworking attitude.
6BSienna SFor being a polite, respectful student who always displays empathy and is a role model to others.
6CDayn MFor his the hard work and effort he puts into each learning task. Well done Dayn!
6MArchie HFor always displaying a positive attitude towards all areas of his learning. Well done Archie! 
6RCruz WFor consistently producing work of a high standard and showing respect to his teachers and peers.