What's happening?
The Foundation Students are getting very close to learning the entire alphabet! Over the last few weeks we have learnt the letters j, x, w and q. The letter ‘q’ makes a /k/ sound, but because it is always followed by a ‘u’ they make the consonant cluster of a /kw/.
We are looking forward to celebrating with our annual Alphabet Day (Friday 23rd June). Students can dress up as something that starts with any letter from the alphabet.
We have continued learning and reviewing our Red Flag Words and we have added the words ‘do’ and ‘they’. Ask your child to show you how they can body spell the words and write them with the correct formation.
In writing we have begun procedural texts. As a class, we followed the instructions to make jelly. We then organised pictures into the correct order and orally shared how to make jelly using the time order words (first, next, then, last).
Students have continued learning about our Inquiry topic ‘Healthy Me’. We have learnt about the importance of getting enough sleep, looking after our teeth and the difference between Needs and Wants. They have also had the opportunity to begin designing and making their own peg person. We are still collecting shoe boxes which will be made into houses for their peg person.
The Zones of Regulation is an approach used to support the development of self-regulation in children. The past weeks students have practised many coping strategies to support them when in the green, yellow, blue or red zone. Such as going for a walk, drawing a picture, taking 3 deep breaths, counting to 10 and talking to a grown up to name a few.
Grade 1
Last week in Grade 1 we wrapped up our topic of Chance and have now begun our new topic of Fractions. This week the children have been learning to identify one half, and one quarter of basic shapes and objects, in preparation for our upcoming topic of Time, where they will apply this knowledge to tell the time to half past.
In our Word Study lessons, we have been focusing on using ‘Long Spelling Right After a Short Vowel Sound’, which includes spelling choices of ‘-ck’, ‘-tch’ and ‘-dge’. Keep an eye out for these sound cards in your sound packs over the next couple of weeks!
This term we have been enjoying observing all of the weird, wonderful and unexpected weather that comes our way in Melbourne! The students have particularly enjoyed our various hands on learning and craft activities involving about the seasons, clouds and the water cycle! To finish up our inquiry unit we will be having a special weather themed incursion, hosted by Mad About Science. Please keep an eye on Compass for more information about this!
Grade 2
Our Grade 2 students have been really enjoying our poetry unit so far and have produced some wonderful acrostic and diamante poems. Over this week and next, we’re exploring both rhyming couplets and colour poems. Students will build their understanding and skills around rhythm and rhyme in poetry, and using their five senses along with similes when thinking and writing about different colours.
During our ‘Syntax Project’ lessons, students have been learning how to enhance their writing by improving sentence structure. They have been working on carefully reading writing samples, identifying fragments, and editing to complete sentences accurately.
As part of our ‘Word Study’, students further developed their understanding of vowel and consonant suffixes, and learned when to ‘keep or drop the e’ if adding a suffix to a base word ending in final silent e.
In Maths, we have begun our ‘Patterns and Algebra’ topic. Students have been investigating and creating a range of different ‘repeating’ and ‘growing’ patterns involving colours, shapes, letters and numbers. Practise at home exploring number patterns increasing and decreasing by different numbers, will be very beneficial for students throughout this topic.
As part of our inquiry into the ‘states of matter’ (solids, liquids and gases), students have been exploring whether certain solids and liquids mix together and separate easily while recording the steps in their investigations using a ‘science report’ template.
We have begun a new round of ‘Rotations’ this week which allows students and teachers from the four grades to mix and work together, learning more about coding, shape, mindfulness, and participating in a team-based design and construction challenge.
Thank you for your support with homework: Regular reading aloud and ‘Red Flag Word’ spelling. Optional extras: ‘Nessy Reading and Spelling’ and ‘Sunset/Jetpack Maths’ (Essential Assessment).
Grade 3
The Grade Three cohort had a fantastic day on our excursion to the Melbourne Museum and IMAX. The students loved watching the Wild Top End documentary and exploring the First Nations exhibition. A big thank you to our parent helpers for volunteering their time.
Reading: Last week the students focused on the reading comprehension strategy of distinguishing between fact and opinion. This week we are looking at making accurate and informed predictions based upon the information that has been made available to them. Our mentor text this week is titled Sorry Sorry. This book explains the journey of reconciliation with Australia's First Peoples.
Writing: We have finished writing our information report on a significant First Nation Australian. This week, we have written a detailed recount of our excursion to the Melbourne Museum and IMAX. In our grammar session, we have been identifying, defining, and creating complex sentences with subordinating conjunctions. During spelling, we have looked at the au/aw grapheme, cle syllables, -ish suffix and dis- prefix.
Maths: Over the last two weeks, the students have focused on mass, volume, and capacity. The students have explored more hands-on activities to compare, convert and order different units of measurement.
Inquiry: Last week the students learnt more about First Nation resources and food. They compared and contrasted the foods eaten by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and themselves. This week we are looking at the big question: How did Indigenous People live sustainable lives?
Wellbeing: Continuing with our problem-solving focus, the students have played the Knots game. In groups, they close their eyes, put their hands forward, and randomly grip another person’s hand with each of theirs. When they open their eyes, they will see their hands form a giant human knot. The group must find a way of undoing the knot, without letting go of each other’s hands.
Grade 4
Since the last newsletter, lots of great learning has been happening in Grade 4. The students are preparing their scripts for our StarTime incursion which is next Tuesday 13th June. Rotation activities have continued on a Thursday afternoon and Grade 4 sport has seen the children practice their soccer skills.
Literacy: The students have written fantastic information reports about some early British explorers of Australia from the 1700’s such as James Cook, Arthur Phillip, Matthew Flinders and George Bass. The Grade 4 teachers have been impressed by their depth of knowledge, and the interesting information that the students have included in their reports. Students are preparing and rehearsing their scripts for our movie-making incursion. They have been working in groups of four and writing about four different topics: early explorers, the First Fleet, convicts & first contact. The students will be news reporters for the day, led by their own ‘news anchor’, and will ‘report’ on their topic to
make their own news segment. We have read a wonderful story called, ‘My name is Lizzie Flynn - The Story of the Rajah Quilt’ which is based on the true story of convict women who were taught to sew. They made a quilt named after the ship that they sailed on to Australia. The students have been able to choose from and complete a variety of comprehension activities, based on this story.
Numeracy: Measurement concepts such as length and area have been our focus in Maths. The students have learnt and practiced finding the area of rectangles by applying their understanding of multiplication (length x width). They have also explored finding the approximate area of irregular shapes that are on grid overlays. Students have also looked at finding the perimeter of shapes and lots of work with converting units of measurement. ‘Mental Maths’ work is also completed in class each day.
Inquiry: As we work towards the conclusion of our Inquiry, students have learnt about the First Fleet, who lead this voyage and have developed their understanding of the reasons why convicts were transported to Australia. The students have discovered more about colonisation and the interactions between the early settlers and Indigenous Australians. Their work in Inquiry has been closely linked to their literacy work such as information report writing about explorers, script writing for their historical news reporting and the reading of our amazing mentor texts this term.
Reminders: StarTime incursion - Tuesday 13th June. Payment is due by Thursday 8th June. Please see the information on COMPASS. Students are encouraged to do LOTS OF reading aloud of their scripts at home in preparation for our incursion. NO WORD STUDY HOME NEXT WEEK.
Grade 4 Rotation activities: Coding, Growth Mindset, Digi Tech skills, Creative Thinking - Thinker's Keys - The Construction
Grade 5
As we continue to move towards the end of term, we want to congratulation all our Grade 5 students for their continual effort during classroom activities. We would also like to remind families that information regarding camp permission and payment will be coming home this week in hard copy form and as a Compass notification. Please complete and return promptly to support our planning and preparation.
Comprehension – Recalling Facts and Details
Students have revised the importance of being able to accurately recall facts and details of a range of different texts this week. Linking to our inquiry unit ‘Closing the Gap’, we also read an interesting text about Geoffrey Gurrumul Yunupingu, who was a very talented blind Indigenous Australian musician. Students practised recalling the key facts and details of his article and answered a range of questions about his life.
Maths – Multiplication and Division
All of our maths groups have continued focusing on the topic of Multiplication. We have learned and practised many different written and mental strategies to multiply large numbers accurately and efficiently. Students may have also begun exploring some Division concepts as we work towards the end of term. Please continue to support your child’s learning by giving them an opportunity to practise their multiplication tables and basic number facts regularly at home.
Writing – Response Writing
Students have been writing all about their physical and emotional responses to the tragic story of Ruth Hegarty, who was forcefully removed from her family in 1929 as part of the Stolen Generation. After watching a video and reading an article the students have begun drafting their own response texts and we look forward to reading them soon.
Inquiry – Project
Students have continued working towards researching, summarising important information and construct, and presenting an impactful PowerPoint or poster on the Indigenous Australian identity or organisation of their choosing. We can’t wait to see them being presented during Week 9.
Grade 6
The Grade 6 classes are finishing off Term 2 with a Space themed media study. They are watching the film ‘Hidden Figures’ and completing comprehension activities linked to this. All of which will result in the students completing a response text where they will they make a judgment about the film.
In Mathematics, we will be close to completing our work on Location and Transformation this week. The students have enjoyed learning about the translation, rotation, and reflection of shapes as well as using the Cartesian coordinate system. Next, the students will begin their Time block of learning.
The Grade 6 classes have continued their ‘We Dream of Space’ theme covering the solar system, galaxies and universe. This week’s focus was the relationship between the Moon, Earth, and Sun. The students enjoyed completing an experiment that demonstrated the difference between a lunar and solar eclipse.
Interschool Sport
Last week, the Grade 6 cohort faced Parktone Primary School in Round 2 of their Winter Sport programme. Commitment, dedication and most importantly, good sportsmanship were evident across all sporting teams. This week, all sports teams will travel to St Patricks Primary School for their third and final round. Good luck to everyone!
Term Dates and Events
Please check Compass for further information regarding end of term dates and events relating to Grade 6 students.