Mr Bainbridge's Bulletin

Student Attendance Information

Within Compass you can monitor your child’s school attendance as a percentage of the current school year. You will find this within your child’s profile and by clicking on the attendance tab. To navigate to this section on your phone, activate ‘More’ then ‘Open in Browser’ to access the attendance tab. You will see a yearly summary that is broken into a calendar view and states the amount of days absent per term. Green = present, orange = absent, yellow = late, blue = school event/activity (School Representative Sport, Gateways, Camps, Foundation Wednesday Interviews).


As you scroll down, you will also see the Attendance Summary as a percentage of the school year. The numbers within the ‘In Class’ and ‘Out of Class’ refer to the amount of rolls that have been marked and whether your child has been ‘Present’ or ‘Not Present’. In a primary chool, rolls are marked twice each day. Therefore, in the example below, this student has 10 ‘Not Present’ roll markings which equates to 5 full days of absence. 

Our aim as a school, is to have all students attend at least 95% of the school year. This equates to 10 absent days per year. If your child attends less than 95%, it may start to affect their schooling in many ways that compromise their academic, social and emotional development. We acknowledge that illness can be a contributing factor in absence rates and thank you for keeping your unwell children at home to recover and also minimise the risk to other students and staff.


If your child maintains the following absence percentages throughout their primary schooling, they will miss a significant amount of teaching and learning time.

90% attendance, equates to 20 days absence a year and approximately three terms missed across 7 years.

85% attendance, equates to 30 days absence a year and over one year missed across 7 years.

80% attendance equates to 40 days absence a year and approximately one and a half years missed across 7 years.


If you’re having trouble accessing Compass or need any assistance please contact me.


Jarrod Bainbridge