Blake Fairchild
Year 8 Level Assistant Coordinator
Debating/ Public Speaking and SRC Coordinator
The Debating team had a successful first evening of competition. With tough opponents of Geelong Grammar School, our year 12 and year 11 teams fought valiantly. The two Year 12 Teams lost by 5 and 4 points respectively. The Year 11 Team was lucky to get a debate in, with Geelong Grammar narrowly avoiding a forfeit due to numbers. Our students were very passionate about their topic, but unfortunately lost by 2 points.
It was great to see our students so confident, holding their own against a tough opposition and representing the college in a positive and respectful way. The parent attendance for our school was fantastic as well, so a big thank you to all parents that supported their child.
Our next debating evening is on Thursday 18 May at Geelong Grammar School.
Vera Dudas
Multicultural Community Liaison Officer
Multicultural Committee News
Welcome back to Term 2 and the cooler weather.
The Multicultural Committee meeting for this term will be held on Monday 29 May at lunchtime in the Conference Room, with refreshments on offer. The main agenda for discussion will be about the theme for this year's Multicultural Festival, to be held on Friday 20th October. As well as a special presentation regarding a student leadership event courtesy of Cath Care.
NGSC’s Multicultural Festival is the biggest event of the school year and once we have confirmed the theme, we will be asking for community assistance.
The Multicultural Committee values any input from the NGSC school community, and welcome parents and friends to attend our next meeting or feel free to contact us at the school with your ideas.
Also, the latest great news is the NGSC EAL Homework Club is back, and running by popular demand, thanks to the support of Catholic Care homework Coordinator. EAL Homework club is seeking volunteers to support students in the tutoring of Maths, Humanities, Science and English (including VCE and VM Subjects).
If you can spare 45 minutes of your time, the details are as follows:
When: Every week during the term on Thursdays at Lunch Time - 12:40 -1:30pm
Where: L-Building Open Space
Who: EAL Students VCE, VM, 7-10
If you would like to volunteer, please contact the school.
James Parker
Science KLA Leader / Science Manager
Tech School Ambassadors
At the end of Term one, twelve of our Year 8 and 9 students were selected to be part of the Tech School Ambassador program at the Geelong Tech School. About 30 students from around Geelong have been selected to take part in this program where they have access to the newest projects and latest technologies available.
Our amazing ambassadors this year are:
- Justin Cangco
- Robert (RJ) Cathro
- William Devlin
- Lila Fennell
- Rushneet Gill
- Thoma Kacprzak
- Mayla Ladduhetti
- James McBride
- Ha-Lien Nguyen
- Aurora-Mallory Parker
- Louis Smith
- Madison Vasovski
These students will be working at the tech school every week throughout the year using critical and creative thinking, collaboration and communication to solve real-world problems.
They started at the end of term one with a 3-day design sprint where they visited one of five industries – Ford, SES, Thornton Engineering, Gen-U and Worksafe to get an idea of problems facing these industries and then worked with some of these industry experts to develop and prototype innovative solutions. Our students in their teams delivered some truly incredible projects that received amazing praise from the panel of expert judges.
It was a fantastic event, and it was great to see our students step up to such a high standard to deliver some truly amazing projects. We are so excited to see everything they are able to produce this year in the Program and are thrilled to have such an incredible group represent our school in this exciting program.
Kellie Phillipps
Izumiotsu Schools Visit
It is with great excitement that we can confirm an incoming visit from our Sister Schools in Osaka prefecture! We will have ten students and 4 teachers from Izumiotsu City staying from Friday 11th August until Friday 18th August. The students will participate in events at school and also day trips in the community. Therefore, we will shortly be holding an information session for any families interested in being a host for one of the Japanese students for a period of 7 nights. Hosting an international visitor can be a very enriching experience that often leads to long-term connections and friendships. The session will be advertised on Compass, so please watch this space.
LOTE Lunchtime sessions - Week 9
At the end of the current term but before the semester break, the LOTE team will be running a variety of lunchtime activities to celebrate the LOTE curriculum and the cultural understanding it brings to us as a college. The official timetable will be posted soon, but students can look forward to activities such as a yodelling class or a chance to try on traditional Japanese kimono amongst many, many more.
Children’s Day
May 5th in Japan is a public holiday celebrating the healthy growth of children and representing the family's hope that their children will continue in good health and prosperity. In Japanese class, we have been learning about the symbols associated with this festivity and we folded origami ‘kabuto’, stylised samurai helmets.
Japanese Club
The Japanese club runs during lunchtimes on Wednesdays in L1 from 12:45 PM. In term 2 we are delving into filmmaking and Japanese. We will be running our first NGSC Japanese short film competition. Ms Castle will be guiding interested students through the process of creating the short films and the submissions will be judged by an independent panel to select the winners and runners-up. This year the competition will be run on an open-age category basis. The following criteria apply:
- no longer than 3 minutes (including credits).
contain mostly Japanese language in the script.
- include the signature item: toothpaste (はみがきこ:hamigakiko).
Everyone is welcome at our Japanese Club. Come and join in and make movies! Please direct any questions to Ms Castle.
Sophia Harris
Digital Technologies Teacher
eSports at NGSC
The platform that we have been following for eSports here at North Geelong Secondary College, is the FUSE cup. The Fuse cup is an international school esports competition that is focused on providing young students with an opportunity to participate in safe, inclusive, supportive and structured school based esports competition while developing positive gaming behaviours and digital wellbeing.
Our students from Year 7&8 and Years 9&10 practicing Rocket League during Wednesday and Thursday lunchtimes. From this we were able to choose 2 teams of 2 players for each age group to compete on Friday and Wednesday against other schools across Australia. The students represented our school with great gamespersonship, and skill.
Year 7 & 8: Krista, Zander, Sam, Kade and Hamish
Bishop Druitt College (Coffs Harbour) | St Emille’s (Canning Vale WA) | Faith Lutheran (Tanunda SA) |
McAuley (Tanunda SA) | Montello Primary School (Montello TAS ) | St. Brendan’s College (Devonport TAS) |
Ipswitch Girls (Ipswich QLD) | North Harrisdale (Harrisdale WA)
| Calvary CC (Springwood QLD) |
Our NGSC Year 7&8 Team 2, made it to the Quarter finals of a total of 18 teams. Congratulations, the top 8 of all of the online Australian teams. The team members where, Krista Taylor, Zander Bartolo, Kade Harrison, Hamish Lidell, and Sam Schloss. Well done.
The Year 9&10 Teams 1 and 2, both made it to the Quarterfinals. There were 14 teams competing from all around Australia online. Well done to both teams. The Year 9&10 team members were, Ben Le, Joshua Wiliams, Krista Taylor and Zander Bartolo. Congratulations on a great result.
Josh, Ben, Zander and Krista
Year 9&10 Schools participating (All schools had 2 teams of 2):
St Brendans College(Devonport TAS) | Thornlie Senior High School (Thornlie WA) | Calvary CC (Springwood QLD) |
Christian Brothers (Adelaide SA) | Faith Lutheran (Tanunda SA)
| Servite (Tuart Hill WA) |