Luke Sharp
Year 10 Coordinator & First Nations Coordinator
A group of our Year 10 students have just concluded their participation in the IPEP (Impacting a Pathway to Employment) program. The goal of the program is to develop new skills, provide students work experience, develop, and improve their resumes and an opportunity to explore some career pathways.
During this 5-week block the students completed the following timetable.
Mondays and Fridays- Attend School (Students will have a double period for each subject)
Tuesdays- Workshops in central Geelong around being job ready and employability skills.
Wednesday and Thursdays- A variety of different Volunteering placements which are listed at the bottom of the page.
The feedback from students was incredibly positive, with some students requesting further experience and even job opportunities in their areas.
Well done to all of the students involved, you represented NGSC extremely well.
- Anabelle Gardner: Cultura Crèche. - Childcare.
- Lorne Moroney: Shoulder to Shoulder- Maintenance working on fixing lawnmowers, whipper snippers etc. that would normally go to landfill.
- Bodi Hutchinson: Shoulder to Shoulder.
- Jordan Tucker: Geelong Food Relief - Distributing food, Sorting food in the warehouse, Mini mart assistance with customer service.
- Kaan Kivilcim: Geelong Food Relief.
- Charlee Hide: Geelong Food Relief.
- Lachlan Douglas: Cultura Gardening- Assisting with landscaping around Cultura.
- Hamish Garley: Bunnings North Geelong - Retail experience.
- Ned McMahon: Bunnings North Geelong.
- Noah Woods: Bunnings North Geelong.
- Rory Kufner: PCs for Kids- Fixing computers and laptops which are donated to children and schools.