Second Hand Uniforms and Text Books
The Second Hand School Specialists shop in has moved to 4 Beauford Avenue, Bell Post Hill. has been selling NGSC uniforms and text books for the last nine years. The shop is located approximately 5 minutes, by car, from NGSC.
They currently have approximately 500 pairs of trousers and 300 pairs of NGSC shorts in stock; and around 800 shirts. Being close to our school, they receive NGSC uniforms all the time. Families can leave a list of what they need and they will text them as soon as the items are available. They sell on consignment at approximately half the cost of new prices, providing the item is in very good condition.
Second Hand School Specialists
4 Beauford Avenue, Bell Post Hill.
Ph: 0422 402 458
Local Support Services
Barwon Health Immunisation Centres and Hours
In the mood for mental health
The Rotary Club of Geelong
In conjunction with....
Kardinia International College, North Geelong Secondary College, Belmont High School and Nobody’s Fool.
Friday19th May - Geelong West Town Hall
Geelong Gem & Mineral Club
Junior Members for the Geelong Gem & Mineral Club
We are seeking NEW Junior Club Members
Phone:- 0448 308 427
For JUNIORS 12 years to 18 years old ON FRIDAYS 6-9pm
The first attendance of Junior Members is for assessment of experience and skills as well as an introduction to Geelong Gem & Mineral Club facilities.
The regular Friday sessions have a program for Junior Members to learn.
- Rock Identification
- Rock Cutting
- Rock Polishing
- Gemstone Cutting
- Gemstone Polishing
- Jewellery Making
- Wire Work
- Gemstone Insect Making
- Glass Work
Using safe, supervised tuition in the Lapidary techniques
Contact Les Barnes - Phone: 0448 308 427
Contact Geelong Gem & Mineral Club – Phone (03) 5277 9341