Yr 11 & 12 Semester 1. Sign Off
At Staughton we want all of our students to be successful and achieve either their VCE or VCE VM. Each semester our students participate in the sign off process, this encourages students to conference with their teachers about their learning and ensures that they meet all the outcomes required in their subjects.
Sign off for VCE & VCE VM in semester 1 will occur on Thursday June 22nd at year 11 and Friday June 23rd at year 12 (the last day of term). In order for students to be signed off by their teachers, they must meet all outcomes in each subject. Students can meet outcomes in a variety of ways; completing classwork, sitting assessments and conferencing with teachers. Students should be having regular conversations with their teachers regarding their learning and what is required of them to meet sign off, seeking feedback on learning and ensuring they check Google Classroom for resources. If students have missed any learning, they can attend Homework Club, which runs Monday to Thursday 3.15-4.15pm in the library, this includes Math and English tutoring on a Monday and Tuesday.
If you have any questions please contact the relevant Learning Coordinator:
Alex Geng – year 11 and Erin Baker – year 12.