Term 2 has kicked off with many students participating in sporting days including SMR finals and Kingston Round Robin Days. Congratulations to all teams and teachers who were involved and made the days such a success.
So far, we have seen two teams represent BSC at regionals level this includes the intermediate boys tennis team and the Year 7 girls volleyball team. The intermediate boys soccer and badminton team will also be representing BSC at regionals later this term. Well done and good luck!
Athletics Carnival:
On Friday the 12th we held our Athletics Carnival at Sandringham Athletics Track. It was a lovely sunny day, and it was great to see so many students participating in events. A big thank you to the student leaders and teachers who assisted and supported, the day would not be possible without them. It was fantastic to see everyone dressed in their 70s outfits and house colours and congratulations to Felix Stock from Year 12 who won the prize for best dressed.
After a big day of competition there could only be one winner.
Congratulations to Mabo house who finished in first place followed by Kirby, Brennan and Goldstein.
Some words from the sports teams:
Intermediate Girls Badminton: The ‘A’ team came second on the day. Winning all rounds bar one to McKinnon.
Intermediate Boys badminton: Intermediate boys’ badminton had a successful day with both A and B teams coming 1st. Most games were won 6-0. All had a great day, and the A team cannot wait to represent BSC at regionals in July.
Intermediate Boys Soccer: BSC's intermediate soccer team completed a brilliant day which saw them come home with the flag as champions. Each member of the squad - both playing and non-playing - contributed to a mammoth effort on the field which saw the boys top their group, before a Rahul Viswanathan inspired comeback defeated Beaumaris in the semi-final.
The boys cruised to a 3-0 win in the Grand Final over Mordialloc College, with goals from Ronan Smith, a top-corner zinger from Bailey Evans and team captain Sarp Gokbay's 10th goal in just 5 games!
Junior Girls AFL: The day couldn’t have been better for the junior girls AFL team. The sun was shining, the teams were friendly, and everyone was ready for a fantastic day. Our team played beautifully, and gave it their all throughout the day, ending the day feeling very proud of themselves. We couldn’t have asked for anymore!
-April, Lexi and Niamh
Intermediate Girls AFL: The girls intermediate AFL team had a great day at Mckinnon Reserve. We started off strong winning against Mckinnon by two goals. Many of the team had never played AFL before so it was a great opportunity to come together. We all worked really well together and tried our hardest. Although we did not with the tournament, we are all very excited to compete again next year.
-Ruby (Team captain)
Senior Boys Netball: On May 15, 2023, the boys' netball team of Brighton Secondary made their yearly trek down to Duncan Mackinnon Reserve for the prestigious boy's netball event.
The boys were all pumped up to win by Ms Simmons' passion to win after last year's failure in the final. All players and coaches represented their team with much sentiment, dedication and pride for their school.
Unfortunately, the senior boys A team fell short in the group stage, experiencing two 1-point defeats that ended their chance at the finals. On the other hand, the B team managed two draws and a loss but still made it to the finals.
The games were tough, the boys were tired, we were all ready to give up and go home but then Antonsha’s motivational speech instilled fire and passion into the lads leading us into the grand final. Skipper Ollie led the team with much gusto and passion helping to inspire those around him, the team went on to a hard-fought, commanding victory over Parkdale in the grand final with a decent scoreline of 17-5.
Through the ups and downs of it all, we all had fun but most importantly we won. I would like to thank everyone who helped make this day possible, you guys are the real legends!